None of These Things Move Me

Rhema TeamMay 2017 WOFLeave a Comment

AS I WAS growing up, my dad often said, “Lynette, take advantage of every learning experience. You may not think that you’re going to need something, but there’s a possibility that you will!”

I’ve discovered that the older we get, the more we realize how much more we need to learn. In fact, after being in ministry for 50 years, my late father-in-law, Kenneth E. Hagin, said “I think I know less now than I thought I knew when I was in ministry for 10 years.”

While you’re at Rhema, I encourage you to take advantage of the learning opportunities that are presented to you! Don’t question why; just absorb them. It may be that God is giving you instructions that you will need in the future.

I’m so thankful I listened to my dad’s advice. I never dreamed that God would lead me to where I am today. You may not know what God has in store for you, but He has a plan and a purpose.

The Book of Acts records the Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys. We can see from the following passage his attitude as he followed God’s plan.

ACTS 20:22–24

22 And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there:

23 Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.

24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

As you prepare for ministry, you could put your name in verse 22! It doesn’t matter what God has called you to do. You may help a local ministry or travel across the world and pioneer a new work. One thing is certain, you really don’t know what will befall you.

Wherever your call takes you, the first part of verse 24 will keep you steady in difficult times. “None of these things move me.”

Situations and circumstances will come your way—not might—they will come your way! No matter what you face, your response always needs to be, “None of these things are going to move me!”

God did not bring you to Rhema to not finish your course! You must finish. And not only that—as Paul says, “that I might finish my course with joy.” Regardless of the path God has for you, determine from this moment that you are going to negotiate every step of it with joy!

Will every step be joyous? No. Will God take you on the short route? Probably not.

We are all on a journey. None of us has passed this way before. The enemy will try to discourage us from continuing on. But remember, the devil is a liar and the father of lies.

At times, you will have to set your face like flint and say, “Devil, I don’t care what you bring. None of these things are going to move me. I am committed to following the plan that God has for me.”

Situations and circumstances will come your way—not might—they will come your way! No matter what you face, your response always needs to be, “None of these things are going to move me!”Lynette Hagin

As you’re walking that journey, you may take a wrong turn. There could be a detour. You may have chosen the scenic route. Or maybe you thought you knew a shortcut, but it ends up taking longer than expected. All these things delay His plan.

When circumstances and situations make it look bad all around, remember that God still has a plan!

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to say, “God I’m following Your plan, but it looks really bad out there.” He always brings me to scripture and says, “Lynette, My plans are for good, and not for disaster” (Jer. 29:11 NLT).

When you know in your heart that God is leading in a certain direction, rest assured that it is the right way to go. He promises to direct your path (Prov. 3:5–6) and order your steps (Psalm 37:23).

The Apostle Paul experienced his share of adversity while following the plan God had for him. Yet, he wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always. . . . Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:4, 6–7 NKJV).

As you rejoice in the Lord and continue in prayer, the peace of God will come upon you. That peace will get you through every circumstance and situation that may befall you.

It’s time for us to get in our places! We are all members of the Body of Christ, and God has given each one of us talents. We all have a part to play in His plan. And if we are not where we are supposed to be, the Church is hampered.

I encourage you to commit to following God’s plan. Stay full of the Word, and communicate with your Heavenly Father. Above all, don’t let the enemy distract or discourage you.

Confess this today. “God, I know You have a plan for my life, and I commit to follow that plan. The devil may bring situations against me, but none of these things move me! And I’m going to finish my course with joy!”

[Editor’s Note: On May 19, the 43rd graduating class of Rhema Bible Training College received their diplomas. We thought you would enjoy reading how Mrs. Lynette Hagin encouraged the student body during her September 9, 2016, orientation address.]

Faith In Action

Accepting God’s Call

When God’s call is upon your life, nothing else will ever satisfy you—no fame, no fortune, nothing. You’ll never find fulfillment until you accept God’s plan for your life.

As a young child, you may have known that you were called to the ministry. You may have questioned that call. You may have become distracted. You may have found success in other areas of life, but you’ve never found satisfaction.

If that is you, now is the time to set aside your desires and fully follow after God.

Take Hold of Your Future

Have you thought about attending Rhema Bible Training College? Apply now at



Lynette Hagin


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