New Ways People Are Using RCBS
Pastors are successfully hosting Rhema Correspondence Bible School study groups in their churches and are seeing tremendous results.
Helpful tools to get started:
- Download this RCBS Study Group Planning Guide to help you plan, organize and host your group!
- Download Sample Instructor Schedule for Group Study
“The overwhelming response we are getting from our church is ‘RHEMA CLASSES ARE AWESOME!!’ RCBS is one of the Most Exciting, “Fruit Producing” ministries we have the privilege to be a part of!”
—Pastors Phillip & Janet Hill
The Word of God is full of truth about unconditional love, overflowing joy, and perfect peace. But if you don't know these Bible truths, chances are you're not enjoying their benefits.
Rhema Correspondence Bible School can help!
What is it?
Rhema Correspondence Bible School is a non-accredited home Bible study course designed to give laypeople basic Bible knowledge.
How does it work?
This study program allows you the flexibility of paying for one lesson at a time and you may complete the lessons at your own pace.
How can I use RCBS?
• Individual Study—Study at your convenience and grow in your personal relationship with God.
• Pastors—Host RCBS Study Groups at their Churches.
• Homeschooling Parents—Add RCBS to Curriculum to boost learning.
• Adopt An Inmate Program—Sponsor those incarcerated to receive and complete RCBS.
What will I get?
You will receive a certificate of completion for each completed study unit and a Rhema Correspondence Bible School diploma upon completion of all six units.
Enroll and pay online, and take a giant first step toward learning The Word.
Pay as you go! Enroll Anytime
Only $35 a lesson! (* US Residents rate. Foreign rates are listed on the application form.)
Your time, Your topic, & Your pace
Real Student Testimonies
M.R., Goldsboro, NC
Note: Rhema Bible Training College and Rhema Correspondence Bible School are two separate schools with different purposes and credits are not transferable from one to the other. The training college is an intensive on-campus school designed to train individuals for full-time ministry. The correspondence school is a home-study course for the layman to gain basic knowledge of the Bible.
Four Ways to Start Today
Apply Online
Mail Your Application
About RCBS
RCBS students and graduates from around the globe send in their testimonies of how RCBS has changed their lives, helping them grow in their relationship with God and His Word.
The Purpose of RCBS —
At the start of the Charismatic Movement, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin found that many of the people attending his crusades did not know the Bible. These people were not victorious in life because they were not grounded in the Word of God; they were perishing for a lack of knowledge. Therefore, he saw the need to start a correspondence course so that the layman — a person who is not called to the full-time ministry — could grow in his knowledge of the Bible...
More Testimonies —
“ Thanks so much for the RCBS courses. Truly, they are an eye-opener to me concerning the truth and power in the Word of God. Through this study, I can now take authority over Satan and his demons, and it is working. I practice what I am learning from the course. I communicate what I am learning from you to others, and we are edified.” —M.O., Nigeria
“ I have now completed all six units of the course. It has been such a joy and a great accomplishment for me. I always anxiously awaited my next unit of study. Thank you so much for the RCBS course, which allows people like me to study the Word of God at home. I am expressing a grateful ‘thank you’!”—A.K., North Dakota
Life-Changing Inmate Testimonies
"Thank you for the course on prayer. I must admit that my prayer life has always been my weakest area. This month as I worked my way through the book, The Art of Prayer, and practiced what I was learning and believing, "Wow," what a difference. I talk to God like He is my best friend. Thank you for this course. It has really helped me in a very weak part of my spiritual life."
"I had skin cancer on my face, but while I've been reading all these books on healing, it disappeared. Thank you so much for all the healing books."
"I thank you wholeheartedly for this golden opportunity afforded to me. I have learned and grown tremendously. I am more confident in my witnessing. I have increased faith, a closer relationship with God, plus plenty of knowledge. Thank you kindly."
Note: Rhema Bible Training College and Rhema Correspondence Bible School are two separate schools with different purposes and credits are not transferable from one to the other. The training college is an intensive on-campus school designed to train individuals for full-time ministry. The correspondence school is a home-study course for the layman to gain basic knowledge of the Bible.
Lesson 703
This is the third lesson of The Christian Life.
Lesson 304
This is the fourth lesson of The Life of Prayer.
Lesson 804
This is the fourth lesson of Covenant Truths.