Learning to Hear

Rhema TeamFebruary/March 2021 WOFLeave a Comment

Christians can limit their spiritual growth by not doing their part to grow spiritually. For example, when the Holy Spirit prompts them to spend time praying in tongues, they often override that leading and go about their daily lives. They never learn to develop in the scriptural scope of speaking in other tongues as God intends.

What is your part in growing spiritually? The truth is, the Bible tells you to do some things that will impact your life in God. If you obey God and do your part, you will discover the supernatural power praying in tongues affords!

A key to developing ourselves spiritually is found in Isaiah 40:31: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”

Continual renewals of your spirit come by spending time before God. When you wait before Him, praying in the Spirit not only refreshes and renews your inner man, it also affects your mind and physical being.

One benefit of waiting on the Lord is that you will begin to discern the voice of the Spirit. As you wait in God’s presence praying in other tongues, He will speak to your spirit. The Holy Spirit is a guide, and He is in you. He will speak a sure word for you to follow.

ISAIAH 30:21

21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

People often say to me, “Tell me how I can know the voice of the Holy Spirit.”

This is my answer: “I can’t do that. You have to learn the voice of the Holy Spirit for yourself—which you can do because He dwells in you.”

“How can I tell if it’s really the Holy Spirit talking to me?”

When a person asks that question, it tells me they haven’t become acquainted with the One Who lives in them. They don’t know His voice. That person needs to spend time waiting before God. If they will stay in God’s presence long enough, they won’t have to ask anyone to tell them how to discern the Holy Spirit’s voice!

One benefit of waiting on the lord is that you will begin to discern the voice of the Spirit.
Kenneth E. Hagin

If an individual doesn’t spend time in God’s presence each day, telling them what I know wouldn’t help. That person would still miss what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell them!

As for me, I’m not going to miss what the Holy Spirit is saying to me, because I listen to Him. He knows what’s out in front of me, and He’s faithful to show me things to come (John 16:13).

Sometimes our staff gets aggravated when they’re waiting for an answer from me. I don’t move until I get the answer from God in my spirit. I live by Psalm 127:1: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” We may build the house, but it’s in vain if the Lord isn’t building it.

You can do a lot of good things that aren’t what God wants you to do and get into trouble. Even if what you did was good, it may not have been what God wanted you to do. You have to find out what His plan is for you. Then follow what He tells you to do!

You might ask, “How am I going to discover God’s plan for me?” The Holy Spirit will lead you as you wait before God, praying in other tongues. As Jesus promised us, “He [the Holy Spirit] will shew you things to come” (John 16:13). Besides, God promised that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). That means you can be led!

I’ve always been very studious, but almost everything I know about God’s Word didn’t come from studying books. The primary way I learned the Bible was on my knees, praying in other tongues. That’s how the revelation of God’s Word came to me. I would get revelation from the Counselor that would cause me to start moving in a certain direction. In fact, every new direction I have ever taken in ministry, I received divine guidance while praying in tongues.

That’s why many people never receive revelation about God’s plan for their lives. They don’t spend enough time praying in tongues. They never get into the Spirit to obtain their answers from God. As a result, their reasoning and planning is in the mental realm; and in the end, their man-made plan fails.

Your part is to set aside time to wait before the Lord. Get into His presence and pray in the Spirit, and you will receive the answers you need. As you wait on the Lord, divine guidance will come.

Cultivate your spiritual life by feeding on God’s Word. Spend time fellowshipping with the Father, praying much in other tongues. Learn to follow what your spirit is saying to you. Every day the Holy Spirit will use your spirit to enlighten you to God’s will. God will direct you through your own spirit, for the Bible says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord” (Prov. 20:27).

Learn to walk in this new realm of Holy Spirit power. Everything starts by determining to get before the Lord every day— allowing Him to lead you, teach you, and continually renew your spiritual strength.

Faith Nugget

No Shortcuts

There are simply no shortcuts to waiting before God in prayer. Receiving an answer may require waiting all night. It may mean missing a few meals. It may require turning off the television and other distractions!

Get alone with God, and pray in the Spirit for your personal edification. Get some things straightened out on the inside of you. Find out what your priorities are and what God wants you to do. You will receive the answers you need and enjoy times of refreshing in His presence!

[Editor’s Note: This article was adapted from the book Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin.]



Kenneth E. Hagin


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