Kenneth W. Hagin
What does it mean to be truly free? Thank God for the liberty we enjoy in the United States. But we are not free simply because we live in a country where we can do as we please within the law. That is a form of freedom, but it is not true freedom.
We only have real freedom in Christ. John 8:36 (NKJV) says, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." We are genuinely free when Jesus Christ sets us free. Even someone in prison can experience freedom in Christ. This kind of freedom is not based on whether we can go where we please or do what we want. It is based on Jesus.
How do we receive this type of freedom? Using the word free as an acrostic (F-R-E-E), we can see how this freedom is obtained.
First, we must have faith in God.
Many people claim to have faith in some sort of god. Some people worship inanimate objects, such as the sun or moon. Others worship false gods, such as Buddha or Muhammed. For some people, riches, pleasures, or possessions are their god. (Whatever they praise more highly than anything else is a god to them.) But to be free, we must have faith in the one true God—God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in God sets us free from the bondage of sin and death.
Second, we must rely on God.
Psalm 37:5 says, "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." When we rely on God, He sets us free from the chains of insecurity, fear, and doubt. We can trust Him to bring His plan to pass in our life. We can trust Him to meet our needs (Phil. 4:19) and protect us (Ps. 91).
Third, we must enlist in God's plan.
Matthew 9:37 says, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few." To enjoy true freedom, we must be busy about our Father's work. Most people are too busy pursuing their own plans to enlist in God's plan. But in view of all that God has blessed us with, we should set aside time to work for Him—helping others, ministering to the needy, reaching the lost, and laying hands on the sick. We should be consecrated to do what He wants us to do and go where He wants us to go.
Fourth, true freedom comes from knowing that we have eternal life with God.
Many people live in fear about the future because they have failed to recognize or have forgotten that God holds the future. God has commanded us not to be afraid. He has provided us the means to walk in victory, even in the face of defeat. If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we will also experience eternal life with God! We don't have to be afraid of anything—not even death! The Bible says that Jesus died to destroy the one who holds the power of death—the devil—and to free those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death (Heb. 2:14-15 NIV). Jesus died to set us free!
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior, now is the time to do it. When you have faith in God, rely on Him, enlist in His plan, and know you have eternal life, you can enjoy the freedom that is yours in Jesus.
Pray this prayer and start a new life in Christ.
Dear God,
I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that "Jesus is Lord," and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart, and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer for the first time, welcome to God's family! Please email [email protected] or call 1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484). We want to celebrate with you and send free resources to help you get started in your new life as God's child.
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One Comment on “F-R-E-E: How True Freedom Is Obtained”
This is so great thank you for sharing.
Pastor Stephen.
Malawi Africa .