To live in divine health, walking in God’s love is necessary. For faith to work, the God-kind of love has to be in operation so it is effective. Galatians 5:6 is clear—if you don’t walk in love toward others, your faith won’t work.
If only people understood how much walking in love has to do with receiving their healing. People need to hear as much of the Word as possible before getting into a healing line. Sometimes they just need to make an adjustment in their love walk before they can receive their healing.
People often get to the root cause and find out where they are missing it in their faith connection by listening to the Word. Many times, they are missing it in the area of walking in love and forgiveness.
A Receiving Heart
I have noticed that the people who listen to the Word and respond to it by making adjustments in their hearts are the ones who receive their healing. For example, a woman came to my wife and me after a meeting once. She said, “I’ve had stomach trouble and a respiratory problem for some time. I decided to go to every service and get in the healing line at the end of the week.”
This woman had attended meetings held by almost every leading healing evangelist in America at that time. But she was never healed.
“Toward the end of the week, I began to realize something,” she continued. “Before I could get into the healing line and expect God to do something for me, I had to get my heart right. I needed to call my brother and ask him to forgive me.”
The woman explained that she and her brother had a disagreement 25 years before. They had not spoken to each other since. She called him and said, “I need to ask you to forgive me. I was wrong.”
“I’m so glad you called,” he replied. “I was thinking about calling you. You weren’t to blame, I was. I have intended to call and ask you to forgive me.”
After getting things right with her brother, she felt a deep sense of peace and well-being. She laid down to take a nap before the evening service. “When I woke up,” she said, “Every symptom and pain had disappeared! I have never felt so good in all my life.”
The moment this woman began walking in love, she could claim God’s promises about healing.
Folks need to realize that if they don’t receive healing after being prayed for several times, they should check to see if they are out of line with God’s Word somewhere. If so, they need to make the necessary adjustments.
Many Christians don’t receive their healing because they are reluctant to rid their hearts of anything that isn’t right with God. I have known people who were in many healing lines but never healed. I’ve seen those same people make one trip to the prayer room and get their hearts right with God. You didn’t have to pray for them. Their illnesses completely disappeared.
Many times people need to forgive someone else, but sometimes they need to forgive themselves. Both are necessary to walk in health.
Love and forgiveness go hand in hand.Kenneth E. Hagin
Harmful Effects of Animosity
Believers need to understand that animosity will harm them. It can affect their spiritual growth; it can hinder their prayers; and it can even make them sick.
When I was in field ministry holding meetings, I ran into a pastor I knew. He didn’t look well. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked.
He told me that another pastor came into his town and started another church.
“I didn’t know this town belonged to you.”
“Well, I was the only Full Gospel church here,” he said. “He did me wrong by starting another church in this town. I will never forgive him for it.” Then he told me he had ulcers and asked me to pray for him.
I realized what caused his ulcers. And I knew it wouldn’t do any good to pray for his healing because he still had ill will and unforgiveness in his heart. I was also familiar with some things about the other pastor’s denomination. Under their rules, he was well within his rights to start a church in that city.
I knew it would be useless to pray for his healing until he made an adjustment in his heart. Later, I heard he was operated on for stomach ulcers. Afterward, I saw him again at a convention.
“I was operated on,” he told me. “But the ulcers have come back. Would you pray for me?”
I knew he first had to let go of the grudge he had toward his fellow minister. And thank God he did. After he repented for holding unforgiveness against the other pastor, he never had any more stomach problems.
Love and forgiveness go hand in hand. You can’t say you are walking in love if you harbor ill will in your heart. Not walking in love toward fellow believers can affect your health. It can even shorten your life because it gives the devil a foothold.
That’s a solemn thought, isn’t it? We need to think soberly on the subject of love. After all, the Bible says love is greater than faith and hope: “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13 NKJV).
Every step out of love is a step into sin. You cannot walk in health and healing if you entertain unforgiveness or grudges in your heart. If you get out of the love walk, get back in as fast as you can. Then you can live under God’s abundant provision and promises and enjoy His blessings in your life.
[Editor’s Note: This article was adapted from Love: The Way to Victory by Kenneth E. Hagin.]
A Step in the Right Direction
God’s love never fails. If you walk in His divine love, you can’t fail. God’s love working in and through you is more than enough for any situation. Say this confession every day, and enjoy the rewards of walking in love.
I will walk in God’s love. I will not criticize others because God’s love does no harm to its neighbor.
When I walk in God’s love, I can claim God’s blessings in life. I will be tenderhearted and forgiving; therefore, I will reap a blessing.
I will keep my tongue from speaking evil, and I will avoid evil and pursue peace with everyone.
Thank you, Father, that as I endeavor to grow in the fruit of love, You will help me be all that I can be in You.

Kenneth E. Hagin
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