Such As I Have, Give I Thee

Rhema TeamAugust 2021 WOF, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Rhema USA Sends Out Its 47th Graduating Class

On Friday, May 14, 2021, 238 graduates of Rhema Bible Training College proudly entered the Rhema Bible Church Auditorium to cheers and applause from family and friends. The moment capped off several years of sacrifice, determination, and dedication to prepare for God’s call on their lives.

In another special moment, Rev. Craig W. Hagin was presented with an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from the School of Bible Theology Seminary & University in San Jacinto, California. In his first words as Dr. Craig W. Hagin, he described receiving his doctorate as “an honor and privilege.”

Rev. David Crammer, pastor of Covenant Life Church in Chandler, Arizona, and a 1990 RBTC graduate, delivered the commencement address. Rev. Crammer encouraged the graduates to give God their “yes.”

Tonight, I simply want to tell you, “such as I have give I thee.”

ACTS 3:6

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

The same Holy Spirit fire that was on Peter when he spoke to the lame man is upon you! During your time at Rhema, you were given more information than most Christians receive in their lifetime. And you caught the spirit of faith. You caught a boldness—a willingness to stop and help someone who may be lame or sick. You have the Name of Jesus—the Name that made a lame man walk after 40 years! God can do amazing things with one person who knows what they have.

Many people are preaching the Word, yet they lack fire. The Word must be preached, but it must also be demonstrated! People should feel the effects of God’s Word.

A lot of good opportunities will come your way after you leave here. Good opportunities, however, are not always from God. When I left Rhema, I told the Lord, “I don’t care how big or small the call. I only want to please you. Whatever you want from me, Father.”

I believe God is searching for people who are not looking for a platform. He’s looking for people who want to please Him. People who will give Him their “yes.” Decide that no matter what, you will do whatever he tells you. “Such as I have.” You have a will, so the choice is yours.

Give God your yes and your best, and follow Him closely. The closer you follow the plan of God, the greater the glory will rest on your life and ministry. The anointing rests upon yielded vessels.

It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you have the attitude of “I’ll do whatever you tell me, Lord. I’ll serve you with my whole heart. I give you my yes.” You’ll be amazed at how God can take someone nobody knows and promote them to places of prominence because they do whatever He tells them.

The great men and women in the Bible had one thing in common—a yes! We would not have known Abraham’s name if he hadn’t said yes.

Ministry isn’t hard if you follow the heart of God. Be steerable, moldable, and movable. When God is moved with compassion, you are to be moved with compassion. You are His hands and feet. The world needs to see and feel your love. “Such as I have give I thee”—give them God’s compassion.

This class is going to change the world. You have the fire and the Spirit. I believe you will light this globe with the very glory of God.

As the newly minted alumni prepared to leave the auditorium with batons in hand, Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin left them with these words ringing in their hearts: “I charge you to be true to the things you have been taught and have learned. As you walk out of those doors, join that group that is going tramp, tramp, tramp throughout the world. They are loosening men and women, boys and girls from the chains of darkness.”


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