GOD IS INTERESTED in every nation of the world. And whatever nation you live in is where you can use the authority you have in Christ to pray for your country and your political leaders.
PRAYER CHANGES THE WORLD AROUND US. Not because it changes God but because God ordained that He works through our prayers.
We know that we are living in the last days. First Peter 4:7 says, “The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” Now more than ever, it is vital for us to pray for our nation.
I encourage you to make a commitment to pray for your nation this year. As you do, God will move. No matter what is going on or how hopeless a situation may seem, God can turn it around if you pray.
You can use the following prayer and modify it to fit your country. After you have prayed with your understanding, continue praying in the Spirit (Rom. 8:26).
Now more than ever, it is vital for us to pray for our nation.
Heavenly Father, we come in the Name of Jesus—washed in His blood and robed in His righteousness. You said in Hebrews 4:16 to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. We are urged in First Timothy 2:2 to pray for ALL who are in authority that believers everywhere may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
We pray that divine wisdom, grace, and direction will be given to our leaders—our President, every member of Congress, the Supreme Court, the president’s cabinet, and everyone who is in authority.
We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil that would try to dominate and rule our nation. We rise up against those spirits and dispel the darkness.
In the Name of Jesus, we command the devil to take his hand OFF the political scene of our nation. We pray that everyone who is in office will not be so concerned about politics, that they’ll not be so party conscious, but that they will be concerned about our nation as a whole—and above all, put God first.
We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil, and the demons of hell that would endeavor to dominate the financial scene of our nation. We pray for the economy of our country. We pray that the economy will be turned around and that we will be prosperous as a nation to continue carrying the Gospel around the world.
We come against the powers of darkness, the forces of evil that would endeavor to dominate the domestic scene of our nation. We command you, Satan, and all your cohorts: Take your hand OFF the domestic scene of our nation. May there be peace. May there be tranquility. May there be understanding, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border, from Alaska to Hawaii, in the Name of Jesus!
Lynette Hagin
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2 Comments on “Praying for Our Nations”
Thank you and AMEN! A great guide for me, as I commit to pray NOW, for our country!
Be blessed!
With gratitude,
Janice Miller