GOD'S LOVE is the motivating force behind everything He does. His Son, Jesus, came to the earth so you might "have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10 NIV). The only way to experience this fullness of life is to live in the love of God.
God's love for us is almost beyond human comprehension. The magnitude of His love cannot be fully communicated. The Apostle Paul wanted mankind to "grasp how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is" (Eph. 3:18 NIV). He used these descriptive words so we could see how much God loves us.
If you've ever looked over the edge of the Grand Canyon, you know it's a long way down. God's love is deeper.
Or maybe you've stood on the shores of the Atlantic or Pacific oceans and looked out across the water. You may have thought that it's a long way to the other side. God's love is longer.
At one time the SR-71 Blackbird was the fastest jet in the world. It soared at heights of up to 85,000 feet and at speeds of more than 2,000 miles per hour. God's love is higher and faster.
God's love for us is almost beyond human comprehension. The magnitude of His love cannot be fully communicated. Kenneth W. Hagin
There is no end to God's love. It reaches you wherever you are. Even when you've messed up, the love of God is there to pick you up, brush you off, and say "I forgive you."
The love of your Heavenly Father will keep and protect you when nothing else can. It will strengthen you when you feel like you can't go on. It will comfort you when you've cried your last tear. When everything else has failed, the love of God will lift you out of any situation. God's love never runs out and it never fails!
You can live your life to the full when you let God's love permeate you and flow out from you. Jesus gave a new command and that is to love one another. You are to be known by your lifestyle of love towards others (John 13:34–35). It is impossible to love unconditionally without having the love of God dwelling in you and living in it!
There are a few steps that must continually be applied to consistently live in God's love.
First, feed on the Word of God.
Second, before saying anything about someone, ask, "What would love say or do?"
Third, pray for those who come against you and mistreat you.
Everyone encounters those who treat them unkindly and rudely. How will you respond? The only way to stay on top is to walk in love. Remember, love never fails! Choose to live your life in light of God's Word and live in love!

Kenneth W. Hagin
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One Comment on “Living in the Love of God”
Very comforting words of love and wisdom