All the benefits God has provided for us to enjoy in Christ are ours now. And it is up to us to receive His benefits, and not forget what He has done.
One of God's wonderful benefits is that He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies (Psalm 103:4).
This is so important to remember because there are so many people, even believers, who have been abused physically, verbally, emotionally, and mentally. Because of their past, they have deep wounds and hurts from lack of love, rejection, and betrayal. But God has said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
If you have hurts inside you, God is saying to you, "I will never forget you! You can always count on me. I will never betray you!"
In the midst of any rejection and betrayal you may have experienced from others, always remember this: God loves you, and He will always be with you. God will never separate Himself from you. To become separated from God, you would have to be the one to separate yourself from Him.
Let the love of God flood your heart! Tell yourself over and over, "The Lord crowns me with lovingkindness and tender mercies." Don't ever let yourself forget this precious benefit!
Faith does not pretend there is no hurt. And faith does not deny the circumstances. But faith looks beyond circumstances to the Word.
There is no denying that when someone rejects you or when you lose a loved one, it hurts. But faith applies the living Word of God to the situation. Faith in the Word allows you to rise above your circumstances because true faith won't settle for anything less than enjoying God's benefits. Your Heavenly Father is more than able to bring you restoration and healing.
I encourage you to dive into this month's issue of the Word of Faith. Each article will reveal more of God's amazing love towards you and teach you how to remain strong in Him in spite of life's challenges. You are more than a conqueror!
PS. Happy Independence Day to those of you in the U.S., and happy Canada Day to our friends farther north.

Kenneth W. Hagin
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