The life God has given you is an invaluable gift. Are you making the most of it? Actually, nothing on earth is more important than making the most of your life. In fact, the greatest challenge each one of us faces is fulfilling God's plan for us.
Your success or failure can be answered by this question: What are you building your life on? A life that will stand up to God's glory can't be built on fame, fortune, or pleasure because those things alone are empty and shallow and will pass away.
Since we cannot build our lives on fame, pleasure, money, or power, then what can we build them on? Our lives must be built on God and His Word because God's Word will stand the test when everything else passes away and fails. If we'll let the light of the Word shine on us, we will become instruments of the power of God in our world.
What foundation you build your life on is up to you. If it's on the Rock-—the Lord Jesus Christ—then the light and love of God will shine upon you, saturating you until it shines out of you to others.
You may think your life is unimportant or insignificant. But God can make something valuable of it, no matter what has happened to you in the past. Commit your life to God. Don't just sit still and do nothing for Him. Rise up in God and make an impact on your generation!
I encourage you to set aside time to really absorb this month's issue of The Word of Faith. Each article will inspire you to walk in the victory Christ has given you through the cross and help you to live and enjoy life in Him. We created this issue especially for you!
Have a blessed Easter as you build your life upon the Rock.
Kenneth W. Hagin
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