Kindle the Flame 2019: Transformed From The Inside Out

Rhema TeamJanuary 2020 WOFLeave a Comment


Lynette Hagin’s Kindle the Flame® Women’s Conference was nothing short of spectacular! Women from around the world gathered for the ultimate weekend getaway on the Rhema USA campus. It was an incredible time of ministry, fellowship, and fun!

Each speaker ministered powerfully, imparting freedom, healing, and joy to those in attendance. The three-day conference ended with the beautiful Candlelight, Prayer & Praise service. The ladies left with restored souls, renewed minds, and transformed lives.

Next year is the 20th anniversary of Kindle the Flame! It’s going to be extra special. So make plans now to attend, September 24–26. You don’t want to miss it! In the meantime, here are some highlights from KTF 2019.

Retrain Your Brain

Lynette Hagin

Has the thought ever come to you, “Don’t make that decision,” and you made it anyway? The Holy Spirit was trying to talk to your spirit, but you did not recognize His voice. Philippians 2:5 (NKJV) says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.Our spirit has access to God’s Spirit to think the thoughts He thinks. Although our spirits are regenerated, guess what is not? Our minds. Herein lies our problems!

The only way we can “retrain our brains” is to get in the Word, communicate with God through prayer, and listen to the Holy Spirit. We need to renew our minds in every part of our lives—not just the sinful lusts of the flesh (Gal. 5:19–21). Our minds cause us to worry or fear, tear down our self-image, have negative thoughts, or say, “you’ll never make it.” We must cast every stronghold down and take every thought captive. But we can’t do it of ourselves.

The two most powerful weapons to transform our minds are filling them with the Word of God and communicating with the Father. We cannot retrain our brains without the help of the Holy Spirit. God made our brains. If we listen to Him, He will channel them in the right direction.

Anchor Moments

Denise Hagin Burns

Dealing with your soul is a part of human existence. Jesus cares about your soul—your mind and emotions. He wants you to live spirit, soul, and body in the fullness of Him.

“Anchoring” is a strategy to manage emotional or mental distress by detaching from the source of trouble and attaching to something safe, secure, and unchanging. Jesus is our anchor. You can fasten yourself to Him and be safe and secure.

What I call an “anchor moment” is a representation that God is with you. They are moments that anchor your soul to Jesus. Anchor moments are those times when you reflect and see Jesus was right there keeping you.

When your emotions are going crazy or the next time you are in a storm or have a need, think back to when God answered your prayer or kept you secure. When the storms of life come, hold on to those moments. They bring hope to your soul and will keep you from becoming upset and distressed. Anchor moments help you to hear divine answers from the Lord. When you anchor to Jesus—the One Who makes your emotions secure—you can be peaceful no matter the winds and waves. With your eyes on Him, you can say, “It is well with me.”

“You are the light of your world. As a light, you should hinder the works of darkness. When you walk into a room—into your child’s school, for instance—light should come in with you. One of the greatest ways light comes out of you and into your home, church, and city is through your mouth. When you speak the Word into a dark situation, light comes in. Get some high voltage light that makes it tough on the kingdom of darkness. Don’t hoard your light. Dispense it by speaking God’s Word and obeying the Holy Spirit.” —Patsy Cameneti

“When the Lord gives you a vision, know that it won’t be a walk in the park. You will run into challenges, but you have to keep going. In moments of uncertainty, be assured that God has you in the palm of His hand. Feed on His faithfulness. You can trust Him through the entire journey. Will you say yes to His plan, even with the twists and turns? Even though it may become inconvenient and uncomfortable? Because the bottom line is that it’s all about souls.” —Christie Graham

“We have to allow the truth to set us free. We cannot receive freedom for something we have not released to God. Whatever we hold on to, will have a hold on us. But when we let it go, truth has the freedom to do what it was meant to do—and that is to set us free. God doesn’t look at you and see ‘abortion, divorce, fornication, murder.’ No. He sees you forgiven. He sees you whole. He sees you free!” —ReJeanna Jolliff

“Are you cracked? How is your soul? Is it intact? It may look like everything on the outside is good, but undealt WITH issues eventually show up. If you don’t deal with the issues in your soul, guess what else begins sticking to you? Unforgiveness. Bitterness. Strife. Envy. Undealt with issues cause things to stick to your soul! God wants His women whole—spirit, soul, and body! When you get born again, your spirit is made new. So it’s not your spirit but your soul that is the issue.”  —Brenda Thomas

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