God designed a unique destiny for you. He prearranged things for you to walk in that you
haven’t seen or even discerned yet! But when you say yes to the Lord, you step onto those paths. Even if a barrier keeps you from moving forward, His truth will set you free if you allow it to!
Ephesians 2:10 AMPC
10 For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
When I came to Rhema Bible Training College and started traveling with Rhema Singers & Band, I never wanted to preach. I could easily sing backup, but speaking in public terrified me!
I started to have stirrings in my spirit and saw things on the inside—images of me preaching, and it scared me! I had no confidence that I could ever do that.
One afternoon in my hotel room, I tried to rest before the evening service. I couldn’t sleep, so I prayed in the Holy Spirit when suddenly I had a mini vision. I saw RS&B sing a particular song. And when it was over, to my amazement, I exhorted the people! Then I finally drifted off to sleep.
Before the service that night, the RS&B leader shared the songs we were singing. My eyes got bigger than baseballs and I thought, “Oh Lord! I think I know what’s coming next.” The guys in the group saw the look on my face asked, “You got it?”
“If you say I’ve got it, I do,” I replied.
In fear and trembling, I went out on the stage in front of a few thousand people. At that time, I had hardly preached at all.
The first song was Southern Gospel—you don’t sing like a songbird, you sing like a lion. Every note roars! We got to the last note and held it for what seemed like an eternity. My nerves were pumping hard!
When the song ended, everyone looked at me. Frozen, I stared back at them. The leader quickly realized I wasn’t going to say anything and called on someone else. I missed that door of opportunity!
I started to have stirrings in my spirit and saw things on the inside—images of me preaching, and it scared me!
I Found a Key
On another night, Brother Hagin shared a story about being awakened by a visitor who came for prayer. He answered the door in his pajamas thinking it was a life or death situation! When it came down to it, the woman didn’t feel saved. He told her she hadn’t lost her salvation and just needed to renew her mind.
Brother Hagin said, “I’ll show you what I do.” Then began by saying, “Lord, I thank You that I am saved. I am redeemed and washed in the blood. I am so glad I’m saved and my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!”
He stirred himself up and got so full of the Spirit that laughter began to bubble up. The woman said, “Your face lit up!”
As I listened to that story, it hit me. That’s my key! I went back to my hotel room and praised myself to sleep. “Lord, I thank You that I’m free! Fear has no hold on me. I am free because the truth has set me free! There is no more bondage. I am free to do the will of God!”
Power of Truth
God’s Word coming out of your mouth creates power! Ability and power are already in it. So when it’s released, you have access to what that Word contains. I see it like a balloon. Your words pop the balloon, and whatever is in it comes out.
John 8:31-32 (AMPC)
31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples.
32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
Truth sets you free! Lies entangle, but truth untangles. Situations can get tangled up and cause confusion and fear. Or circumstances can seem impossible with seemingly no way out. At times like that, the truth of God’s Word goes in, untangles the lies, and sets you free!
The Lord wants His truth to shine in the hidden recesses of your heart (Ps. 51:6). Psalm 23:3 says the Lord will “restore my soul.” In Hebrew, part of the definition of soul is “the seat of our emotions.”
Sometimes a situation can cause pain. But instead of dealing with what hurt you, you put it on a shelf. God wants to shine a light there. Then the truth of His Word will enable you to walk free of whatever tries to attach itself to you.
That happened to me at a revival. God shone a light on something I had on a shelf for 10 years. And truthfully, I was happy to keep it there.
It took some time to “work” the Word. But every time I faced that situation, I applied God’s Word. I spoke scripture out loud and exercised forgiveness. I found that some tracks of my mind were unruly! No one else could see it, but it was happening inside me.
I kept stirring myself up with the Word of God and praying in the Holy Spirit. One day I was driving when that person and that situation came up. And my thoughts started down that path. But this time, a lightbulb went off inside me, “I don’t have to think like that!” So I said, “I take that thought captive,” and peace and joy poured into my soul like oil. It was a victory moment.
The Lord wants to finish what He started in us, but it takes our cooperation. We have to allow the truth to set us free. We cannot receive freedom for something we have not released to God—that we have kept hidden in our heart.
Whatever we hold on to will have a hold on us. But when we let it go, truth has the freedom to do what it was meant to do—and that is to set us free.
ReJeanna Jolliff
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