Follow the Dream

Rhema TeamAugust 2018 WOFLeave a Comment


RED- AND BLACK-ROBED graduates flooded the Cox Business Center arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Friday, May 18, 2018. The pomp and circumstance of the academic procession included international flags representing the countries of the students. Proud family and friends celebrated with cheers, cowbells, decorated signs, tambourines, and even air horns!

Rev. Earl Glisson, a 2000 RBTC graduate, was the keynote speaker. He is the founder and senior pastor of Anchor Faith Church in St. Augustine, Florida. Rev. Glisson fanned the flame already burning in the graduates to follow their dreams.

You have been trained. You have been equipped. The Apostle Paul could have been here now, but he's not. God assigned this time to you! You are the one God chose to send into the world for such a time as this! It's all planned out. All you have to do is follow the Spirit of God.

I was destined for Rhema. How do I know? Because in 1950, God told Kenneth E. Hagin, "Go teach My people faith." And I was the "people" God was talking about! In 1973, Brother Hagin spoke by the Spirit of God and said a Bible school would start, and in 1974, Rhema began. I was in that voice! Then at the 1979 graduation, he prophesied, "Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. What is that sound I hear? It's the sound of feet going forth with the Good News." That was the sound of my feet!

Understand this—your destiny and purpose will not be achieved unless you follow the line of legacy that has gone before you, and you stay connected to the place where God inserted you.

Dreams are not birthed in perfect environments. So it doesn't require a perfect environment for them to come to pass! When you get a dream, you have to talk about it. But when you begin to cast the vision of God's destiny for your life, know that it will meet resistance. At times, something will come beside you to court you with a competitive alternative. Don't give in to a substitute. It's not worth it! Stay with what God told you to do.

Dreams take time to accomplish. Until then, take up Kenneth W. Hagin's motto, "I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit!" You have to have that same tenacity.

"Rhḗma" transitioned from a spoken word into a place to train and now into a worldwide family of Rhema alumni.

Brother Hagin often prayed, "But Lord, I'm just one man. How am I going to get this message out?"

The answer to that question is in the Tramp, Tramp, Tramp prophecy. "What is that sound I hear?"

As if orchestrated by an unseen hand, the graduates began to stamp their feet. Holy awe and expectation rippled through the arena as the question resounded amidst the sound: tramp, tramp, tramp. Rising to a pitch of power and determination, the graduates erupted in bold shouts as Rev. Glisson gave them a send-off with the command, "Go into all the world!"

That moment launched the presentation of the class of 2018. Rather than giving traditional diplomas (given to the graduates later), Kenneth and Lynette Hagin "passed the baton" to the students. These special runner's relay batons bear the inscription:

I commit today to carry the baton of revival

to this generation.

I will carry the banner of faith and God's

power to a lost and dying world.

This is my time to do all God has called me to do!

Tassels on the academic caps were symbolically moved. Students transformed into alumni. Challenging years of preparation turned into readiness. "Rhḗma" transitioned from a spoken word into a place to train and now into a worldwide family of Rhema alumni.

As commencement ended, graduates recessed by the light of candles and torches through the array of flags. It was a powerful send-off for the 44th graduating class to the next steps in their God-adventures—dreams ready, the world waiting.


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