CRAIG W. HAGIN shared these thoughts with the Rhema Bible Training College student body. But the following tips can help all Christians successfully run the race set before them (Heb. 12:1) and reach their world for Jesus.
1. ENJOY THE RIDE. Often we try to figure out what God has for us next on our journey. But we need to enjoy where we are.
2. RUN YOUR RACE, NOT SOMEBODY ELSE’S. It’s not about anybody else’s journey—it’s about your journey. What God has called you to do is for you. It’s not for anybody else. Don’t compare yourself with others.
3. KNOW WHO’S FOR YOU AND WHO’S AGAINST YOU. I’m not referring to other people being against you; I’m talking about the devil. John 10:10 says the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When circumstances come against us to try to get us off course, we must realize they’re from the devil.
4. KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You are beautifully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). See Jesus living inside of you. Romans 8:37 says we’re more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. If you don’t know who you are, then you don’t know what you can do.
5. KNOW THAT YOU ARE A “HAS BEEN.” Because of Jesus, everything in your life “has been” changed. Jesus took care of all your situations and problems when He died on the cross 2,000 years ago (1 Peter 2:24). Now salvation, healing, and joy all belong to you!
6. QUIT TRYING AND START RELYING. Stop trying to figure it out. Quit trying to make it happen. If you could have made it happen, especially financially, you would have. Give it to God and let Him work it out.
7. LET GO AND LET GOD. God can’t work on your behalf when you’re holding on to your problem. If you let go of it and let Him figure it out, it’ll be a whole lot easier.
8. IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. Life is never about you or making a name for yourself. This leads to my next point.
9. IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS. We have to be sold out for Jesus and willing to go out and touch our world for Him. When you don’t know what else to say, just say “Jesus.” When you don’t know what else to do, just proclaim Jesus. In His Name, demons have to tremble. In His Name, situations have to change.
10. BE RELEVANT. Don’t be an 8-track tape to an MP3 generation. Be relevant to this generation when sharing about Jesus. Be able to share Jesus with anyone.

Craig W. Hagin
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