Tongues: The Door Into the Supernatural

Rhema TeamAugust 2017 WOF1 Comment

SPEAKING IN TONGUES is the door into all the other spiritual gifts. Some people like to jump in and get all the gifts of the Spirit at once. But you have to go through the door to get into the supernatural.

I have found in my own life that the more I speak in tongues—the more I pray and worship

God in tongues—the more the other gifts of the Spirit manifest. The less I speak in tongues, the less manifestation of the other gifts of the Spirit I have operating in my life.

The Bible teaches us to desire spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1) and to earnestly covet the best gifts (1 Cor. 12:31). As we do this, we will walk in more power and be more effective in our Christian lives. We will go through the door of the baptism in the Holy Spirit to receive the glorious spiritual gifts that God promised to those who believe His Word.

I am convinced that if we would be sensitive and responsive to the Holy Spirit, He knows what is coming in the future. And He will show us things to come (John 16:13).

An English missionary to Africa was home on leave speaking at a missionary conference when a woman asked him if he kept a diary. He replied that he did. She began to relate to him, "Two years ago I was awakened in the night with a burden to pray. I got out of bed and was talking in tongues before I got down on my knees. For an hour I prayed in tongues. It seemed as if I were wrestling.

"When I finished praying I had a vision. I saw you in a grass hut surrounded by natives. You were sick and then died. I saw the natives pull a sheet over your head and walk sadly out of the hut. Suddenly you came out of the hut and stood in their midst. All of the natives began to rejoice."

A lot of people want to be healed, but they don't want to hear anythingKenneth E. Hagin

The missionary asked the woman if she kept a diary and requested she bring it that afternoon. Comparing diaries, and making allowances for time differences in England and Africa, they discovered the time of the woman's prayer burden exactly coincided with the time when the missionary was sick with a deadly fever.

His partner was away, and he was alone with the natives. Things happened just as she saw—the missionary died, the natives saw him die and pulled a sheet over his head—then he rose up suddenly well! Because of the Spirit of God!

This is an example of how praying in tongues equips us for what lies ahead in life if we will yield to Him. It is one way to be built up spiritually and to be ready for whatever may come in the future.

Are you, as a Spirit-filled believer, taking full advantage of the gift of tongues? God has given to us a supernatural means of communication with Him. He has given to us a supernatural way of building ourselves up spiritually. Take full advantage of this gift of the Spirit—speaking in tongues—that God has made available to each one of His children.

[Editor's Note: This article was adapted from Kenneth E. Hagin's study guide, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts.]

More Reasons to Speak in Tongues

Tongues provide a divine, supernatural means of communicating with God. But many more benefits await us as we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to give us supernatural utterance. Here are several more benefits that demonstrate the great value of tongues.

  1. Speaking in tongues is a way to magnify God (Acts 10:45–46).
  2. Speaking in tongues helps us to stay conscious of the Holy Spirit's presence (John 14:16–17).
  3. Praying in tongues stimulates faith (Jude 20).
  4. Speaking in tongues gives us spiritual refreshing (Isaiah 28:11–12).



Kenneth E. Hagin


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