The Power of Words

Rhema TeamOctober/November 2018 WOF2 Comments

HAVE YOU EVER noticed when Jesus spoke, circumstances changed? His words healed the sick, withered a fig tree, and quieted a raging storm. He didn’t lay hands on anyone or say a prayer in these situations. Jesus simply spoke and it happened. Do you know you can do the same? Let’s look at three times where Jesus spoke and things changed.

The Servant

The first account is of a Roman centurion in the village of Capernaum. (See Matthew 8:5–13 NLT.) The officer was seeking help for his ailing and paralyzed servant. When he saw Jesus, the officer went to Him. He told Jesus the terrible pain his servant was in and begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus replied, “I will come and heal him” (v. 7 NLT).

The officer thinking of his own faults and weaknesses said, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home” (v. 8 NLT).

Before we go any further, it is important to know that what the centurion said is bad theology. It’s not okay to feel unworthy based on your mistakes and failures. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you have made or how bad you have been; you are worthy to have the Lord come to your house. You are worthy because He died for your sins, and He loves you.

The account of Jesus and the Roman officer continues. The officer believed there was something Jesus could do that was just as effective as coming to his house. “Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed” (v. 8 NLT).

Jesus was amazed. He had never seen faith like this in all of Israel. Everywhere Jesus went people were begging, “Jesus, touch me! Jesus, heal me!” But all the officer wanted was a word. He understood authority. He knew that Jesus only had to speak the word, and it would change the problem.

“Go back home,” Jesus said. “Because you believed, it has happened” (v. 13 NLT). The soldier’s servant was healed that same hour.

The Storm

Another account also happened in Capernaum. (See Matthew 8:23–27 NLT.) Jesus and His disciples were in a boat when a fierce storm arose. Jesus was sound asleep. The disciples woke Him up saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown” (v. 25 NLT).

Jesus said, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” He then “got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm” (vs. 26 NLT).

Everything quieted down when Jesus spoke. Why? Because He believed that what He said would happen. Jesus didn’t think it might happen or say it would be nice if it did happen. He was fully convinced that whenever He told the waves to calm down, they would. And Jesus got what He believed.

Jesus gave us this same authority. We can imitate Him and get the same results. He tells us this in John 14:12 (NLT), “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

We can do the same things Jesus did. Our circumstances will change when we speak to them. Jesus gave us His power and authority to speak in His Name.

You have to entirely believe that your situation will change when you speak to ti.Craig W. Hagin

The Fig Tree

While in Bethany, Jesus saw a fig tree that wasn’t bearing fruit and cursed it. (See Mark 11:12–14, 19–25 NLT.) He said, “May no one ever eat your fruit again” (v. 14 NLT) and walked away with His disciples.

The following day the disciples saw the fig tree had withered away. Shocked, Peter told Jesus, “The fig tree you cursed has withered and died!” (v. 21 NLT). Jesus used this opportunity to teach His disciples that they can speak to anything and see it change.

“Have faith in God,” Jesus said. “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart” (v. 22–23 NLT).

While sharing this, Jesus pointed to a literal mountain. He wanted His disciples to understand that even if they had the biggest problem imaginable, it could be destroyed through their faith by the words they speak.

Jesus told them not to have any doubt in their hearts. If you don’t think anything is going to happen when you speak to your situation, you have doubt in your heart. If you are only 85 percent there, there is still doubt. You have to entirely believe that your situation will change when you speak to it.

Speak to Your Mountain

Do you have a mountain you need to move? A body that needs to be healed? Why don’t you speak to your situation now?

God is waiting on you. He is waiting for you to get bold and say, “I’m tired of this mountain sitting here. I’m tired of looking at it. I’m tired of the pressure.” Now speak to it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a physical, financial, or an emotional mountain—big or small—it has to move when you speak.

It’s not up to you to figure out how the mountain is going to move. God will take care of that. Trust Him. He will move your mountain. All you have to do is speak to it. And in the same way that Jesus’ spoken words healed the paralyzed servant, withered a fig tree, and quieted a violent storm, your words will change your situation.

Faith in Action

Speak the Word

What mountain are you facing? Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV) says the Word of God doesn’t return void. Here are some scripture verses to speak to your situation.


Isaiah 53:4–5; Matthew 8:17; Galatians 3:13–14; 1 Peter 2:24


Deuteronomy 28:12; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:10–11; Philippians 4:19


Psalm 91:9–10; Psalm 121:7–8; Isaiah 54:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:3

[Editor's note: This article was adapted from Kenneth W. Hagin's book Listen to Your Heart.]



Kenneth W. Hagin


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2 Comments on “The Power of Words”

  1. Thank you Pastor,
    I have been strengthening for the last few years spiritually by your messages. Thank God for the Good Faith Ministries I got it.

    Yours lovingly

    Philemon India.

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