The Fountain of Life

Rhema TeamFebruary/March 2023Leave a Comment

felt drawn to a fountain? What about it caught your attention? Was it the way the water jetted into the air? Or the soothing sound as it sprayed and splashed?
Centuries ago, fountains provided water for townspeople and villagers to drink, bathe, and wash. Today we have different kinds of fountains. Some are decorative. Others can supply cool drinking water.
In ancient times many stories were written about fountains. Usually those water sources represented life. The truth is, we cannot live without water. And those fountains symbolize something we absolutely have to have.
The Bible says, “God is the fountain of life” (Psalm 36:9). He is its Source. We cannot really live without Him. Just as ancient villagers built their homes around their water source, we must build our lives around Him.
Jesus said, “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear” (Matthew 11:28–30 TPT).
Are you tired? Has your load in life been getting heavier and heavier? Do you just feel drained and wish you could find some peace and rest? God wants to help you. Let Him be your oasis—your fountain of life.
To join your life with His, ask Jesus, His Son, into your heart. Make Him Lord of your life. You do that by praying this prayer:
God, I come to You in Jesus’ Name. The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”
(Romans 10:9 NKJV). I believe in my heart that Jesus is Your Son and that You raised Him from the dead. And I confess Jesus as my Lord. Therefore, I am saved! Thank You! Please refresh me and teach me Your ways.

If you have prayed this prayer for the first time, welcome home! We are glad you’re in the family!
Email us at [email protected] and let us know about it. We want to send you some free materials to get you started in your new life as God’s child.

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