“I was having abnormal bleeding for 1 1/2 months. I went to see a provider who recommended a colonoscopy to check for cancer. I was actively bleeding when I came for WBS 2020. I believed I would be healed when Craig prayed for me. The bleeding stopped instantly and has not returned. Several weeks later I had the colonoscopy and they couldn’t find anything. I also took a prayer cloth for my daughter who was having anxiety and depression. As soon as she got the cloth, she said something left her. She no longer has any symptoms. God is our healer!” // Heather
“Thank you for praying for my husband! God has brought him back to life! He was sedated and hadn’t woken up for several days. Doctors were concerned about him not regaining consciousness and potentially having brain damage. My husband woke up completely normal, and the first thing he said was, ‘By His stripes I am healed.’ Praise God!” // Elena
“After watching Part 3 of your series Identity in Christ, I said the prayer with Kenneth and Lynette to rededicate my life to Christ. I have the minibook In Him, from which I am learning who I am in Christ. I never fully understood what it meant to be in Christ with all the benefits and promises. Today is a new day for me! I believe God has heard my prayer for a better understanding of His Word, and that by the leading of the Holy Spirit and your booklet my identity in Christ will soar.” // Barb
“I called your ministry for prayer and also sent in an online prayer request for healing for my dog, Tony. He was severely ill and on the brink of death due to congestive heart failure and kidney failure. After receiving prayer from your ministry, Tony became progressively better over the course of several weeks and has made a full recovery! Thank you for being there in my time of need and standing with me for the healing of my dog.” // Robert
“I received a call from someone at Rhema to thank me for being a Word Partner. She asked if she could agree with me in prayer about anything. I needed wisdom about something going on in my job. I put my faith with hers as she prayed. Within a couple of hours, I had my answer and things had cleared up. Thank you!” // Sandy
“Last night I was online watching the [Campmeeting] livestream, and I received healing during the ministry time at the end of the service. For four months after a dental procedure, I had been experiencing muscle spasms. I received the Word of God with faith to believe He could restore whatever was affected. I want to glorify Jesus, for He has done it! I have not experienced any spasms since last night.” // Alberto
“Thank you for praying and agreeing with me. When I received your email saying you would pray with me, I knew I had a breakthrough. The severe headaches began to decrease. Within 24 hours they were gone and have not returned. My health is restored. Praise the Lord for His Word and faithfulness!” // Ruth
“Campmeeting/Summer Blitz changed my direction in life and my entire life in general. I am a 12-year-old boy who went to Campmeeting with my family and church family. Before I came to Campmeeting, I was in a terrible spot in my life. I was rebellious against my mother. I had a horrible swearing problem. I thought I liked men and found nothing wrong with homosexuality. I wasn’t sure if I was a boy or a girl. I was trying to figure myself out, but I didn’t know the answer was Christ. This trip took away homosexual urges and thoughts. Without this trip, I don’t know what I would be. I don’t swear anymore. I grew in my faith in a way I didn’t know I could, and I got filled with the anointing. I want to give a massive thank you to Rhema. I appreciate what you are doing.” // Micah
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