Divine Summons

Rhema TeamApril 2019 WOF6 Comments

A calling from God is a divine summons. Think of it as being summoned to stand before a king. It is an invitation in a sense, but there’s no way out of it. God has given you a divine invitation, and He’s not taking it back! He has a purpose for your life.

Hope of His Calling

In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prayed “that ye may know what is the hope of his calling.” Whose calling? God’s calling on your life. Callings carry hope and speak of the future. In other words, something is planned! Bible hope is not a wish. If you look up hope in the Greek, it means “to expect something and anticipate it with joy!” Why? Because it’s good!

What is God expecting and joyfully anticipating from His divine invitation to you? Verse 18 says that you are to know! But for you to find out, you have to spend time in prayer. In Ephesians 1:16–18, Paul shows you how to pray for wisdom, revelation, and understanding. When you know what God has called you to do, you can run with it!

High Calling

In Philippians 3:13–14, Paul says, “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” The English Standard Version calls it the “upward call.” This calling will lift you out of whatever you’ve been in. It raises you to a new level, gives you a greater purpose, and brings you higher into God’s thoughts and ways.

What did Paul do with the upward call of God? He forgot what was behind. If it worked for him, it will work for you! God knows everything you have done, but He still has a calling and a plan for your life. Your call is not dependent on your past. So don’t live there. Let it go and move forward.

Holy Calling

Holiness is more than clean living. It involves God’s presence. Holy means that something is set aside and considered sacred. Your calling is not casual. You didn’t come up with it. It is holy. It demands attention. Second Timothy 1:9 (TPT) says, “He gave us resurrection life and drew us to himself by his holy calling on our lives. And it wasn’t because of any good we have done, but by his divine pleasure and marvelous grace.”

The devil will use fear to keep you from fulfilling your call. But you don’t have to be afraid. Every time you have a fearful thought, get rid of it! You bring nothing into this equation! You don’t do it—God has to do it. God takes your calling seriously. It’s holy to Him, and it should be holy to you.

You should enjoy your calling! It enables you to step out of natural limitations over into heavenly ability that comes by God’s Spirit.Tad Gregurich

Heavenly Calling

Hebrews 3:1 begins by saying, “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling.” This is a heavenly calling—not just calling us to Heaven, but it is of Heaven. The call of God is of the supernatural realm. It did not originate in your mind. There’s very little natural about it other than your obedience to walk in it.

Imagine if someone prepared your favorite meal and placed it in front of you. Are you only going to look at it? No. You’re going to partake! If you do nothing, there isn’t any benefit or enjoyment. You should enjoy your calling! It enables you to step out of natural limitations over into heavenly ability that comes by God’s Spirit.

God has given you an endowment of grace—His ability and power. In and of yourself, you can’t fulfill your call. It is from Heaven, so you need heavenly resources to fulfill it. When you partake of those heavenly resources, it causes all the natural resources you need to come your way. Know this: God has invested everything you will ever need to fulfill your call. Look to Him and step into it!

[Editor’s Note: Tag Gregurich has been the dean of Rhema Bible Training College since 2008. He is also an associate pastor at Rhema Bible Church.]

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  • Tad Gregurich


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6 Comments on “Divine Summons”

  1. This is awesome , I have been seeking God for wisdom , and spiritual understanding of my rights and privileges has a believer and this is real enlightment to know that God is working in me mightily to perform that good work he has begun in me…

  2. I’m blessed with this divine knowledge passed out to me.Kingdom ministry is a high calling.
    Thank you Rev Tad.

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