Campmeeting 2023 Review

Rhema TeamOctober/November 2023 WOFLeave a Comment

Expectancy filled the air as believers from across the U.S. and around the world gathered on the Rhema campus. Campmeeting 2023 was packed with energizing praise, timely preaching, and moves of the Holy Spirit. From Summer Blitz to Rhema Kids to the adult services, all ages experienced encounters with God. Here is a taste of what attendees heard.

When people know and confess who they are in christ and take advantage of that fact, they cannot fail in their christian life.
Kenneth E. Hagin


Kenneth W. Hagin

God’s hand is on those who will step out of the boat and begin doing something for Him. He will enable you to do things you’ve never done before. GOD WILL OPEN DOORS THAT HAVE BEEN CLOSED AND STRAIGHTEN THE CROOKED PLACES. He will make a way where there has been no way. God will lift you out of the valley and set your feet to dancing. It’s time to realize the hand of God is there for you. He wants to do more for you than you’ve ever seen.


Craig W. Hagin

We live in a generation that wants to see miracles. They are looking for somebody to lead them into the Kingdom. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS ENOUGH BOLDNESS AND WHO’S WILLING TO TOUCH THEIR GENERATION. It’s time for revival. But we have to be willing to step out. We have to be willing to let God move in our services. God is looking for people to step out where it looks like they can’t step out. It doesn’t matter that it’s impossible because Jesus is with us.


Denise Hagin Burns

We need to develop our endurance. It is an important quality to have because life is tough. Here are two things I want you to do every day to build your endurance. First, feed your faith. If you’re not eating the Word daily, you won’t make it through the journey God has for you. Second, fix your focus. WHEREVER YOU’RE LOOKING IS WHERE YOU’RE GOING. Is your focus on Jesus or on the problems around you? If you do these two things every day, you will be complete and mature, lacking nothing.

“Our race is to become like Jesus. As we run our race, we won’t grow weary in our soul when we consider Jesus. We’re going to throw off the sin and the weight. We’re going to begin to move through life to win and become more like Jesus.”



“Is God faithful? Before releasing your faith, that question has to be settled first. You have to know that God will do what He said He would do, and He will do it for you. Then you can be immovable as you stand on the promises of God.”



“Jesus said, ‘As the Father loved me, so have I loved you.’ When we understand how much God loves us, it’s easy to have faith and trust Him. Without this revelation, it’s hard to believe God will bless us and do what He promised in His Word.”



“God knew us before we were formed in our mothers’ womb. Books were written beforehand about our destinies. Everyone has a purpose. And just like Jesus was sent to the earth to redeem mankind, God needs every one of us to fulfill our purpose.”



“Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. The next greatest move of the Spirit of God will be a church so mature that the glory in the house attracts people on the outside to come in.” 



“We ought to be going from faith to faith, glory to glory. It will take another degree of glory for this generation to see the glory of God. To see His glorious Church shining so brightly, they want to run into it. Nothing else will satisfy them.”



“The anointing of the Holy Spirit is called the oil of joy. Some of you need an oil change. One touch of the anointing will destroy every yoke the enemy has tried to put on your life and reconnect you to your divine destiny in Christ.”



“We need to constantly rediscover the truths we’ve learned. We have allowed the enemy to steal the faith we once walked in and the power of faith that was in our lives because now the Word is more of a memory than it is a revelation.”



“We acknowledge every good thing that is in us. Greater is He that is in us. Where is He? In you! Greatness is in you. Great power, great joy, great potential, great anointing, great ability. If you don’t get good at acknowledging the good, your faith won’t be effective.”



“What are you going through today? I encourage you to look to the peace of God that dwells in you. Often, we are geared toward responding to situations from a natural standpoint. But if we listen to the Holy Spirit, He will lead us into paths of peace.”



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Mark your calendars for Campmeeting 2024! July 21–26


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