Stay Focused on Jesus

Rhema TeamAugust 2019 WOF1 Comment

As Christians, our focus should be on Jesus and how we can please Him. However, many believers are focused on other people, their circumstances, and the everyday cares of life.

If we always look to a person, we will be disappointed. Everyone has imperfections, and at some time, they will let us down. Jesus, however, will never disappoint us! If we fixate on the surrounding circumstances, we can become discouraged and possibly doubt God’s Word. Focusing on worries only distracts us from running our race! That’s why we must keep our heart and mind fixed on Jesus.

Peter walked on water just fine—that is until he took his eyes off his Lord. When he looked at the crashing waves, he began to sink. But when Peter refocused his attention, Jesus rescued him (Matt. 14:25–31). Many people start out like Peter but become distracted along the way. Rather than keeping their eyes on the finish line, their attention veers from what they should be doing. Eventually, they fall out of the race.

How do we stay focused on Jesus? Through reading our Bibles and keeping it in our heart, mind, and mouth. Always remembering what the Word says keeps our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

When we look at ourselves, we see our weaknesses, past failures, and the many excuses we make. But in looking to Jesus, we find strength, forgiveness, and the courage to run our race. No matter how much adversity comes our way or how many disappointments threaten to knock us out of the race, keeping our focus on Jesus brings us victory.

Maybe you feel as though you are “sinking.” Check to see if you have lost your focus. Turn your eyes back on Jesus and remember what He said about you, and you won’t go under!

We trust that you will enjoy this magazine. May each article encourage you in your walk with the Lord and help you to remain focused on Him.



Kenneth W. Hagin


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