Stay Focused on God

Rhema TeamAbundant Life4 Comments

Johnathan Morin

Regardless of where we are in life, our priority should be to stay focused on God and what He has called us to do. To accomplish that, we must let Him out of the box we so often put Him in. That allows Him to achieve in and through us more than we could ever imagine.

Hard times come to sidetrack us. They come to knock our attention off of what we should be focusing on. We will experience pressure. But we can't give up in the middle of stressful times. No matter what we go through, God can get us through any situation. The Word says, "Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10 NKJV). God will carry us through any hardship.

We must meditate on scripture during those times and worship Him. We must keep the book of the law on our lips. When we do, we will be prosperous and successful because our focus is on what's important.

If we aren't focused when life feels crazy and hard, we will miss what God has for us. We won't be able to hear what He is telling us to do. And other people will miss out on what He has for them through us. They need what we have!

God didn't call us to be comfortable. He called us to do bigger things than we could imagine. Some are called to reach millions. But if we don't take God out of the box that will never happen.

It's time to let go of the limitations we place on God. Not so He can do what we want Him to do. Not so we can be who we think we need to be. But so we can be who He has called us to be and so He can do what He wants in us.

Stay pinpoint focused on what God has called you to do. Release Him. Remove the box, and God will do bigger things than you ever have imagined.

Join Kenneth W. Hagin, Johnathan Morin, and more at A Call to Arms 2019, Nov. 7-9!

Click here to register today.


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4 Comments on “Stay Focused on God”

  1. Thank you Lord for this precious blessed reminded to remain focus.

    I receive strength to continue to prepare my heart for next week’s Kindle the Flame Women’s conference.
    Shalom and Blessings. ?

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