Jesus was dealing with heart issues when He talked about treasures in Matthew chapter 6. We can tell what is in a person’s heart by looking at what they value. Jesus gave us good advice when He told us to focus on what has lasting value.
MATTHEW 6:19–21 (NKJV)
19 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;
20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The first word to look at in this passage is treasures. We often think about money or possessions when someone mentions treasures. But some of what we value isn’t monetary. We can value ideologies, friendships, and so forth. A treasure is something that is valuable to us.
Treasures stored in heaven aren’t affected by moths, rust, or thieves.
Then verse 20 qualifies value in two places: earth and Heaven. If our treasures are on earth, moth and rust can destroy them, and thieves can steal them. But treasures stored in Heaven aren’t affected by moths, rust, or thieves.
Not only do we have to identify what we consider valuable, but we also have to determine the resting place of what we value. If we put a high value on something that is earthly, then guess what? Eventually, it will pass away.
I like to call it temporary and eternal. We have to realize that a lot of what we value won’t last throughout eternity. So we have to decide if we want to make our treasure something eternal or something temporary. We find an example of putting our values in the right place in First Kings chapter 3.
Solomon Asked for Wisdom
Solomon was young when he became the king of Israel. God appeared to him in a dream and asked, “What do you want?” (1 Kings 3:5). Let me just say, at a moment like that, what you value and where your treasure is matters.
Solomon could have asked for anything—gold and silver or victory over his enemies. But instead of asking for something temporary, he asked for wisdom to do the job God had given him to do (1 Kings 3:7–9).
The young king could have gone to the high priest or the prophet of the day to ask for wisdom. But he didn’t. He went to a place where wisdom was infinite and would last throughout time. Solomon’s treasure was something eternal.
God’s Treasures
Solomon saw the call of God as valuable. One thing we Christians have in common is, we are all called. Whether we feel called to the ministry or go to work every day, a calling is on each one of us. Every Christian is called to win souls (Matt. 28:19–20; Mark 16:15–18).
If there’s one thing that’s valuable to God, it’s people. Every day, we come in contact with God’s treasures. We talk to them in fast-food drive-throughs. We pass them on the road in our cars. No matter where we go, we see His treasures.
What do you value? How much do you value God’s call to go into all the world? We need to evaluate our value system to make sure we are laying up treasures in Heaven. And now, more than ever, let’s make sure we ask God to help us touch His treasures that are around us.
Dan Taylor
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