God’s Work Through Rhema in 2018

Rhema TeamDecember 2018 WOF1 Comment

God’s Work Through Rhema in 2018

The mandate “Go teach My people faith” is the heartbeat of Kenneth Hagin Ministries. The message of faith in God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ were ministered to countless men and women in 2018. As a result, lives were changed, bodies were healed, and hope was restored. Here’s a recap of how God worked through Rhema.

Thirsty for God

“He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

—Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

In the small town of Kenedy, Texas, Kenneth and Lynette Hagin held a Living Faith Crusade in April at The Word Fellowship Church. The 175-seat sanctuary and the overflow room were packed every night. People came ready to experience the presence of the Almighty, and God satisfied their hearts.

The final night of the Living Faith Crusade was set aside to minister healing to the sick. Rev. Hagin taught on the woman with the issue of blood. He explained that she received her healing through faith. As the audience listened, faith rose in their hearts. At the end of the service, those who needed healing made their way to the front where hands were laid on each person.

God confirmed His Word with signs following! Earleen, the wife of Pastor Trey Hill, wasn’t able to walk up steps or sleep on one side of her body after having hip replacement surgery. After the Hagin’s prayed for her, she can walk up the stairs and sleep on her side without any pain.

One woman had polio as a child and always used a walker to get around. That night, she left without the walker! Another woman experienced pain when raising her hands higher than her head. Now she can fully extend her arms without experiencing any pain! A man with stage 4 cancer was ministered to. He went back to the doctors, and they couldn’t find any trace of cancer!

Did You Know?

The Hagins held 15 Living Faith Crusades in 2018. In every city, people came ready to draw near to God and receive from Him! There were many healings and over 100 salvations.

Heaven on Earth

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

—John 14:14 (NIV)

Every day people face troubles and seek answers. The prayer partners at Kenneth Hagin Ministries pray with many partners and friends during their time of need. God hears and answers prayer! Here is one testimony.

“Thank you for standing with me in faith and prayer for my great-grandchild. Thanks be to the God, he is now eating table food. For three years, he never ate a morsel of food, but now he is eating. I will continue to use the prayer cloth for his further healing.” —James

Did You Know?

Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ prayer partners are here for you. Call us Monday through Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CST) at (918) 258-1588, ext. 5566.

Faith Comes by Reading

“For the word of God is living and powerful.”

—Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)

God ministers to people through the printed page. Faith Library Publications publishes the message of faith in books and eBooks. These anointed books filled with treasures from God’s Word continue to change the lives of people around the world. Through them, men and women are healed, encouraged, and strengthened in their faith.

Michaelann wrote, “Thank you so much for your book How to Live Worry-Free. I needed to read it desperately. I started underlining and writing some of the things you said on 3” x 4” cards and saying them every day. I’m in my 70s, and I just started driving again after years. I’m able to do my own errands!”

Did You Know?

Faith Library Publications has published over 200 titles and has printed over 75 million books. FLP books have been translated in over 100 languages.

Go Into All the World!

“How beautiful are the feet of the messengers who announce the Good News.”

—Romans 10:15 (GW)

Rhema USA graduated its 44th class in May. International students have been coming to Rhema since 1978. Many of them overcame financial and governmental challenges to get here. In 2018, men and women from 22 countries came to the U.S. to study. They became versed in the Word of God and learned how to follow the Holy Spirit.

Today, there are Rhema campuses all over the world—253 campuses in 51 nations. Rhema’s quest to train laborers will never stop. The world needs trained men and women to preach the Gospel of Christ and bring souls into the Kingdom of God.

Did You Know?

Over spring break, Rhema USA sent teams to Mexico, Thailand, and various places in Tulsa. Over 1,450 people gave their lives to the Lord that week. Janna, a team member on the Thailand trip shares, “Rhema Word Partners are partnering with people they don’t even know because they want the will of God to be done—not only in my life but also in the lives of other students. It’s incredible. I’m beyond grateful.”

The Spirit of Faith

Winter Bible Seminar, Campmeeting, Kindle the Flame Women’s Conference, and A Call to Arms Men’s Conference are held every year in the Rhema Bible Church auditorium. These conferences are another way Kenneth Hagin Ministries builds faith in the Body of Christ. One thing is sure: Rhema will do its part to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of faith to the uttermost parts of the world before Jesus returns.


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