ARE YOU READY to wholeheartedly consecrate your life to the Lord?
Are you ready to humble yourself before Him?
Are you ready to be patient and stand strong until God brings His plan to pass in your life?
In and of yourself, you can’t answer yes to these questions. You need the power and Presence of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s plan.
It’s impossible to know all that the future holds. For years I didn’t know how God’s plan for my life would unfold. Thank God, He keeps some of His secrets for a long time. If I had known from day one everything God had planned for me, I probably would have quit before I started!
You don’t need to know how every detail of God’s plan for you will take place. You just need to trust Him and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. Remind yourself of what Paul said in Acts chapter 20. He didn’t know what his future held, but he trusted in the One Who held his future.
Be consecrated to God's call. Walk with Him, and He will teach you what you need to know to accomplish His plan.
ACTS 20:22–24 (AMPC)
22 And now, you see, I am going to Jerusalem, bound by the [Holy] Spirit and obligated and compelled by the [convictions of my own] spirit, not knowing what will befall me there—
23 Except that the Holy Spirit clearly and emphatically affirms to me in city after city that imprisonment and suffering await me.
24 But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy. . . .
If you obey the Holy Spirit, He will lead you. He will be your Comforter and Helper. He will be your Counselor. When you don’t know what to do, you can rely on Him for counsel and help. And the Holy Spirit will be your Intercessor, Advocate, Standby, and Strengthener (John 14:26 AMPC).
The Holy Spirit will also bring things to your remembrance. John 14:26 says, “But the Comforter . . . shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” And He will show you things to come (John 16:13).
There’s no way you can see into the future and prepare for everything you will encounter. So what should you do? Call upon the One Who lives in you, because He is the Great Teacher (Luke 12:12).
As you rely on the Holy Spirit, determined to follow God’s plan, you will finish your course with joy (Acts 20:24). You will echo what the Apostle Paul said: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7).
The Holy Spirit will teach you everything you need to know to fight the good fight of faith and finish your race victoriously. But you must invite Him to teach you. It’s the anointing that breaks the yoke (Isa. 10:27), and there is nothing like the power of God.
At times you will have to fight battles to reach a new level that God wants to take you to. Perhaps you have been fighting battles for quite some time, and you may not see how God will turn your situation around for your good. You may ask, “How will this work out for me?”
Stand and see the salvation of the Lord (2 Chron. 20:17). Watch God work on your behalf. The road to fulfilling His plan isn’t always easy, but He is calling you. There will be tests and trials. Will you be faithful to His call? Those who are faithful shall witness a glory that has not been seen before.
Yield to the Lord’s calling. BE CONSECRATED TO GOD’S CALL. WALK WITH HIM, AND HE WILL TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ACCOMPLISH HIS PLAN. You will experience great victory in the battles you have been fighting. Be strong and courageous and keep fighting the good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12).
I encourage you to stay prayed up. Stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Opportunities will come to you. Lay aside every weight that could easily beset you and hinder you from fulfilling your calling and winning your race (Heb. 12:1).
Weights will distract you from your mission, so lay them aside. They may not be sins, but they will keep you from fulfilling your divine purpose. Distractions are part of the enemy’s devices. He uses them to keep you from walking in God’s divine purpose.
Go before the Lord, seek His face, and listen to His voice. He will speak to you strongly and clearly. As part of preparing for your calling, He will teach you how to hear His voice.
To accurately follow God’s plan, you have to be able to understand His directions and see clearly what He has ordained you to do. And He must lead you. When the Lord leads you, there is divine protection, guidance, and wisdom.
As you seek His face, you will be emboldened as never before. When you know what He’s called you to do, a boldness accompanies His calling. As you yield to that boldness, doors will open for you. You will have more opportunities and supernatural favor than you can fathom. The plans God has for you are far greater than what you have imagined for yourself!
Be faithful and committed to walking one step at a time. As you do, only time and eternity will tell all the great things you will accomplish as you are empowered by the Holy Spirit and the grace of God.
Finishing Your Course
The Apostle Paul said he fought a good fight, finished his course, and kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7). And he told us to follow him as he followed Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). Here are ways to do that as you fulfill God’s plan for your life.
- Become firmly established in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Determine not to let anything or anyone distract you or become more important to you than Jesus.
- Be equally determined to fix your eyes only on Jesus. Build your foundation firmly on Him.
- Be as unwavering as Daniel in the Old Testament. Let nothing stop you from serving God.
- In adversity, be quick to speak God’s Word. It will build your faith and strengthen your heart.
- Spend time in prayer—especially praying in the Holy Spirit. That helps you build yourself up on your most holy faith (Jude 1:20) and pray out God’s perfect plan for your life.
Lynette Hagin
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