With the Promised Land before them, the children of Israel didn't have time to be indecisive followers of God, believing God one minute and complaining the next. Their fathers before them did that and died in the wilderness. The first generation of Israelites were not victims of the circumstances that opposed them; they were victims of their own unbelief.
Years later under the leadership of Joshua, the same opportunity for possessing the Promised Land awaited a new generation. God commanded them to believe His Word and obey it. Obedience to God's Word would ensure their victory. As the second generation of Israelites trusted and obeyed God, they obtained their long-awaited inheritance.
We have an inheritance that was purchased by Jesus' blood on the cross. Whether we need healing, financial prosperity, or deliverance, obedience to God's Word is the key to possessing our inheritance.
I encourage you not to follow the example of the first-generation Israelites, who did not enter the Promised Land because of unbelief (Heb. 4:6, 11). Instead, follow the example of Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, "who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross . . . and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb. 12:2). Fix your gaze on the joy set before you—the promise of your inheritance in Christ.
Don't give up on your miracle! By looking to Jesus, you can march toward your promised land and overcome circumstances that try to oppose or distract you from your goal. If you will believe and hold fast to God's promises, you will receive your miracle.
I trust that this issue will strengthen your faith so you obtain all of God's promises. My dad's article on page four explains how you can whip the devil in every battle. And my article on page 14 will help you get up and move forward after experiencing a setback. You don't want to miss a single page of this issue!
Kenneth W. Hagin
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