When the Lord called me to Mombasa, He said the harvest was white and ready. I thought, “Lord, wait a minute! That is an Islamic area. How will I lead Muslims to You?” I felt within me, “It can be done. Do it!” And the Lord revealed to me:
1) Walk in love.
2) Demonstrate the power of God.
Love never fails, and you cannot debate a demonstration! When God confirms His Word by healing the sick and delivering those who are bound and oppressed, there is no choice but to accept that Jesus is Lord!
My wife and I believed God and loved the people. One by one, they came to the Lord.
Witches and Sorcery
Early one morning, a witch came to me. “Pastor Meni, I have been sent by my colleagues. Since you and your church started praying, our witchcraft business is not working. They want you to stop the prayers.”
“We will not stop,” I replied. “Jesus loves you, and He wants to save you.”
The man walked away, and I continued to pray. Most of the witches relocated because their sorcery no longer worked. Finally, only one was left—their leader.
He fell sick and was taken to the mosque for prayer. Nothing happened. Somebody said to the chief, “Why don’t you call Pastor Meni and the church to pray for you? Try that before you die.”
His friends asked me to come and pray. I went to the chief’s house with church leaders. He was dying. “Do you allow us to pray for you in the Name of Jesus?” we asked.
“Pray the way you know how,” he said.
We laid hands on him and commanded sickness to leave his body. Demons manifested. They had no choice but to go, and he was set free. He stood and began to jump, repeatedly exclaiming in Swahili, “Jesus is Lord!”
When people know and confess who they are in christ and take advantage of that fact, they cannot fail in their christian life.
The community came to see what was happening. “I’m free! I’m free! Jesus has done for me what Muhammad could not do!” He gave up witchcraft, made Jesus the Lord of his life, and eventually started a home Bible church.
The following day, we held a fellowship at his house. While we were there, some of his witchcraft clients came seeking help. He brought them to me. “I cannot help you,” he said, “but the Jesus of this man can!”
I introduced them to Jesus. “He loves you! Jesus can do anything if you believe in Him.” They also believed and were helped. They left glorifying the Name of the Lord because He is good.
Jesus Is Too Good to Resist
People cannot resist Jesus without help. Satan, the god of this world, has blinded them (2 Cor. 4:4). Thank God we have the Gospel of Light! When we take it to them, we help remove everything that hinders them from seeing Jesus as He is: the love of God.
While Jesus was busy doing the mission of His calling, He saw multitudes of people and was moved with compassion because they were worried, tired, and scattered (Matt. 9:36). We should feel the same way about those who do not know the Lord. We should be moved by the love of God!
People who are separated from God are tired of sin and sickness. They are tired of oppression and the life they are living. Jesus had compassion on them and said, “Truly, the harvest is plentiful” (Matt. 9:37).
The harvest is not a problem! But Jesus saw a need: “I cannot do the work alone. I need laborers, people like you, to help Me” (v. 37). Then He gave a prayer request: “Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers” (v. 38).
Praying is good, but something else must be done. Jesus then gave the disciples His power and sent them on assignment (Matt. 10:1–8). God has chosen to work with mankind!
Love People One by One
Jesus could not accomplish His mission alone, and neither will we. This will take a network! I need you, and you need me. There are people called to be great evangelists who can preach to multitudes. It’s good to preach to multitudes! It’s also good to preach to one person. Jesus did both.
Remember when Jesus sat with a Samaritan woman alone? He spent time with her. She did not see who He was at first. But when the veil was removed and Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah, she believed. She went to her city and preached, “Come and see!” Samaria came to Jesus. Many came because He spent time with an individual.
It’s not about crowds. You can talk to one person, and that person can change a region or transform a village. Ananias was a disciple we don’t hear much about. He was the one that prayed for Saul of Tarsus, who was later called Paul (Acts 9:10–18). Everything the Apostle Paul did is because of one man who obeyed!
Go Ye!
As believers, we know a lot. We read what the Bible says, but we need to move to another level of doing. We can confess all day long, but unless we act on God’s Word, we won’t see the power.
The disciples went everywhere and preached the Word (Mark 16:20). They did something! Because of their obedience, God worked with them. When the Word is acted upon, confirmations, manifestations, and great things happen!
Miracles are not just in the hearing. Miracles are in the doing! Unless we start doing what we hear, we will remain the same. Remember the Great Commission is “go ye,” not “sit ye” (Mark 16:15)!
The Lord is with you. Whatever He puts in your heart, do it! Step out and be a doer of the Word.
It Can Be Done. Do It!
Be open to the leading of the Spirit of God and work with Him. It’s networking. For those called to preach to multitudes, go do that. Those who are called to the helps ministry, go help others. Those called to do business and support missions, do that! You can “go” by supporting those who are going.
You can also obey the Great Commission by helping one person come to Rhema. Help them know who they are and how they can do the work of God. You can support missionaries. You can speak to that one person at your workplace who may be called to transform multitudes.
It’s about all of us doing what the Lord has called us to do.
Rhema Bible Training College is worldwide! Send a student or go yourself and train to fulfill God’s call. Visit rbtc.org to learn more.
Visit vimeo.com/channels/wbs2019 to hear William Meni’s message, as well as other international RBTC instructors.
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