Be A Man of Conviction, Compassion, & Courage

Rhema TeamJune/July 2024 WOFLeave a Comment

DAVID WAS A SHEPHERD boy turned songwriter and musician. He was a young man who became a giant-killer. He married into the royal family and became a successful military leader.

You might say that David was the original Robin Hood. He was forever helping the common man. After he fled from King Saul, he gathered around him many unwanted people.

When David was anointed king, he provided strong leadership. History shows us he was one of Israel’s best-known kings. He was a strong advocate of following Jehovah. David was a man after God’s heart.

Miles and centuries separate us from David. He was a king; we are common. But despite the distance and differences, we can learn something about being men and fathers from this father of long ago.

We need men with godly convictions to be the spiritual and moral compass that points our children in the right direction.

Kenneth W. Hagin

A Man of Conviction

David’s convictions drew him close to God. Psalm 119 shows David’s strong beliefs. Each verse speaks of them.

PSALM 119:54–56 (NLT)

54 Your decrees have been the theme of my songs wherever I have lived.

55 I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord; therefore, I obey your instructions.

56 This is how I spend my life: obeying your commandments.

Today we need men with godly convictions. It seems that our society depicts men as cowardly and spineless. We don’t see men with godly character held up as role models. Unfortunately, people with some of the worst morals have reached influential positions and have managed to become role models for our children.

Our kids need to see examples of fathers and other men with godly convictions who will stand strong against the tsunami of evil that is sweeping our countries. We need men with godly convictions to be the spiritual and moral compass that points our children in the right direction.

David wasn’t perfect by a long shot. He made mistakes, but he corrected them. He sinned against God. But when he was made aware of his sins, he was quick to repent. David’s continual service to God demonstrated our Heavenly Father’s forgiveness and love.

A Man of Compassion

We can see David’s compassion in the way he interacted with his children. Although his children took advantage of him, he still loved them. When Absalom tried to take the kingdom from his father, David decreed that Absalom should not be killed. When David later learned that his son had died, he wept uncontrollably over a man who had instigated a coup against him.

Why would David mourn over someone who tried to steal his kingdom? The truth is, a father’s love is not determined by a child’s conduct.

We also see David’s compassion as he encouraged Solomon to build the Lord’s temple. David didn’t want his young son to be overwhelmed by the enormous task ahead of him. In his final words to Solomon before he passed, he said, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the Lord is finished correctly” (1 Chron. 28:20 NLT).

A Man of Courage

David demonstrated his greatest acts of courage when King Saul was trying to kill him. On two occasions David had an opportunity to take the king’s life, but he refused.

It often takes more courage not to do something than to do it. David’s source of courage was his faith and trust in God. He was not afraid of anybody. Nor was he afraid to stand up for what was right and die for his beliefs. But David would not raise his hand against the man God had chosen to be king. As a result, Saul pursued him for many years.

We need fathers and other men who will stand courageously for godly principles in the face of opposition—men who refuse to be afraid of what others think. I often ask myself, “What good is it if someone says good things about me, but I don’t have the courage to preach the truth of the Holy Word?”

Men, what kind of legacy are you leaving your children and other young people around you? Is it one of conviction, compassion, and courage? As a man, you cannot leave behind a more important example of character than this.

What Makes a Great Dad?

Men often sacrifice being a successful father to succeed in business. But if you gain wealth and fame and lose your children, what have you really gained? Sadly, too many men are more interested in business, possessions, and community standing than in being a dad. Anyone can father a child. But it takes a man with convictions and compassion to be a great dad.

My father, Kenneth E. Hagin, went home to be with the Lord in 2003. He was internationally known. Many people called him the father of the modern-day faith movement, a title he detested. He was a successful author. More than 60 million copies of his books have been sold. He was a radio personality, noted Bible teacher, and prophet of God. But I remember him as Dad.

Although these wonderful accolades were laid at his feet, when he came home, he was just Dad. He was a great man of God, and I respect that. But I don’t remember him as a great teacher. I remember a man who drove all night just to have breakfast with Mom, Sis, and me. I have fond memories of staying up all night talking to him in the car while he drove to his next meeting. When I was 12, he taught me how to drive on those old East Texas oilfield roads. I remember him putting his arms around me and saying, “Son, you can be what you want to be with you and God.”

Whatever success I’ve achieved today is not because of my dad’s preaching, the books he wrote, or the thousands of radio broadcasts he recorded. It’s because of those father-and-son times.

Men, it’s important that you have these father-child moments. That’s what your kids will remember. They won’t remember how hard you worked to put food on the table. Yes, we have to provide for our families. But we can’t neglect our children in the process.

If you die tomorrow, your company will replace you in a matter of hours. Other people will remember you occasionally. But your children will feel the loss forever. Is that extra hour at work worth it?



Kenneth W Hagin

Kenneth W. Hagin


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