Your “There” May Be Here

Rhema TeamApril 2020 WOF1 Comment

In First Kings 17:3–4 (NIV), the Lord directed Elijah to a specific place: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.”

Notice the word there. “There” was the place of God’s will for Elijah. The prophet wasn’t told to go anywhere else but there. God has a brook for all of us. How do you reach that divine place in your life? You must do several things:

  1. Be Assured

Be assured that God has a place where He wants you to be.

“There” is a place of God’s blessing. If Elijah had gone to a different brook, the ravens wouldn’t have been there. When you go to where He instructs, you need not be concerned about what will happen next. You can take life one day at a time.

  1. Be Willing

When God tells you to go “there,” be willing to go.

Some people are not willing to do what it takes to get where God is leading them. You may have to leave some things behind to be in His divine will. But know that your Heavenly Father has a purpose in everything He does.

Your Heavenly Father has a purpose in everything He does.
Kenneth W. Hagin
  1. Forget the Past

Forget about past mistakes.

Have you ever said, “If I could do it over again, I would do such and such”? You can never recall history. What happened yesterday will forever stand on the pages of yesteryear. But today you have an opportunity to write a new page. If you’ve made a misstep or failed, ask for forgiveness. Realize that the blood of Jesus has taken care of that. Leave it behind.

  1. Trust God

Trust God, even if you don’t understand why He is calling you to a place.

When you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, it may be hard to follow God there. If God says, “Go there,” obey Him—whether or not you feel like it. The outward man is not always excited about following God, because he has his own ideas, plans, and purposes. So listen to your spirit man on the inside. He is ready and willing.

  1. Dwell “There”

Dwell where God sends you.

Jesus said to the Father: “I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do” (John 17:4 NLT). He was always there. Jesus went wherever God told Him to go and did whatever God told Him to do. And equally important, He stayed there until He completed God’s plan.

  1. Expect Provision

You can expect God to provide for you “there.”

When you are where God sends you, you will see the miraculous happen. And when you find that place, you will experience blessings being poured out on you. When God sends you somewhere, He doesn’t expect you to take care of yourself. He will take care of you.

  1. Never Quit

Do not quit in the face of hard circumstances.

Anywhere but there is where most people want to be. It can be a hard place, because you have to face your insecurities and inabilities. It’s easy to focus on your shortcomings. But working with God is working with the Greater One, and He is far superior to any issue you might encounter!

If God has called you to Rhema Bible Training College, get there! He has a purpose for your time at RBTC, and His provision is waiting for you there.

Is Rhema Bible Training College your place called “there”? Visit to get acquainted!



Kenneth W. Hagin


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