Have you ever wanted to lead somebody to the Lord, but were afraid because you didn’t feel “qualified” enough to do so? Or you hesitated because you couldn’t quote the entire Bible?
To lead somebody to the Lord, we only need to be willing and obedient. Those are the two characteristics God is looking for.
We are all human, and we all make mistakes. There may have been times when we knew God was leading us to minister to somebody, but we didn’t do as He asked.
In those cases, we need to repent, move on, and not let it hinder us from doing what God has called us to do. The Apostle Peter erred by denying Jesus three times, but on the day of Pentecost, he told people about Jesus and led nearly 3,000 people to the Lord!
Let that be an example to us. Don’t let your mistakes take you away from God. Instead, let them be a reminder that we can’t do anything apart from Him!
6 Tips for Sharing the Gospel
- Be bold. Jesus wasn't afraid to call people to repentance and salvation. You don't have to be afraid either. God has given you His Holy Spirit, and He doesn't make you timid. The Holy Spirit gives you power, love, and self-discipline (2 Tim. 1:7 NIV).
- Listen. Humbly and compassionately listen to what people are saying. It shows them you care. It also enables you to know what to say.
- Keep it simple. Explain the Gospel in a way people can understand.
- Emphasize God's love. Jesus said, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son." God's plan to redeem the human race started with love, and that's where we need to start.
- Look for conversation, not confrontation. Be mindful that your approach to sharing the Gospel could change someone's view of God and their entire perception of Christians.
- Look to God to change hearts. After you've loved, listened, and shared, trust the power of the Holy Spirit to do the rest.
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