Watch Your Mouth!

Rhema TeamConfessionLeave a Comment

Kenneth W. Hagin

If you’re going to win in life and achieve all that God has for you, you’re going to have to watch your mouth, making sure that the words you speak line up with the Word of God.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. —Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

Words are containers, and each word we speak is filled with something. Words can be filled with hate, fear, doubt, unbelief, and any other evil. Or words can be filled with love, faith, peace, joy, life, blessing, and any other good. Words can either curse or bless. Words can discourage or encourage. Words can wound or make whole. Words can destroy or bring life.

Words have power! The words we hear can stay with us for a long time. For example, the words we hear in the morning can cause us to make a success of the day, or they can cause us to go through the day robbed of joy and energy.

Do we realize that the last words our spouse and children hear us say in the morning can affect them for the rest of the day? Do we realize that words filled with love and compassion will give our children confidence and enable them to win life’s battles? Do we realize that tender, loving words spoken to a spouse in the morning will send him through the day with a smile on his face and joy in his heart, helping him succeed in everything he does?

I don’t think we fully recognize the tremendous power of our words. We need to understand that our world is influenced by the words we hear and the words we speak.

God created the physical world with the spoken word. And we create the world around us with the words we speak. Fathers, mothers, and children: The atmosphere in your home is a product of what you say. So watch your mouth!

Often, you can walk into a home or even a room and know the kind of words that have just been spoken. You can “detect” them in the atmosphere. If there’s been an argument and harsh words have been spoken, you can sense it the moment you step into the room or get around the people who have been fighting. They have charged the atmosphere with their words.

Just as we can negatively charge the atmosphere with our words, we can also positively charge the atmosphere. That’s why it’s important that we learn to speak the right words. What are the “right” words? Words from the Word of God. Words filled with faith. Words that will equip and energize us to accomplish God’s will and to succeed in life.

Why is it that some children grow up well and strong, work their way through college, and then go out and succeed at life? Often, a main reason is because right words were spoken to them as they were growing up.

We can’t afford to talk failure and doubt over our children. When we do, those words register in their heart and mind. Eventually, those words take root in them and produce negative fruit, or failure, in their life.

What you say to your children every morning can send them off to succeed or to fail. If you tell people long enough that they’re no good or that they’re a failure, they will eventually start living up to what you’ve told them.

Sometimes mischievous children are told, “You’re going to wind up in prison.” And many of them do! If people keep telling a child he’s no good and will never amount to anything—very often those people become right! Why? Because of their words. Over a protracted period of time, those words shaped the mind of that child and set him on a course of failure and destruction.

Yes, people have a personal responsibility to make the right choices in life, but I encourage you to watch your mouth, because the words you speak have an effect on your life and the lives of those around you. So speak words that will edify and build others up, not tear them down. And don’t repeat the gossip you heard. Don’t poison other people’s ears the way your ears were poisoned when the gossip was told to you.

I sometimes have to tell people that my ears are not garbage cans and that I’m not interested in their gossip. The Word of God doesn’t tell us to talk about people’s mistakes. Galatians 6:1 says, “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”

Save your lips for speaking beautiful, helpful, comforting words. That is your job according to the Word of God.


8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

When you think on the kind of things mentioned in this verse, you will then speak those kinds of things. You see, our confession is a declaration of what we believe. The words of our mouth reveal what we have been thinking and believing in our heart.

When we confess the Word of God, we are revealing our belief in God’s Word, our acceptance of His Word, and our confidence in His Word. For example, when we say, “I believe God shall supply all my needs according to Philippians 4:19,” it reveals that we have accepted God’s Word as truth and have enough confidence in God’s Word to speak those words about ourselves personally.

We will eventually say with our mouth what we believe in our heart. That’s why what we believe is so important! Because if we believe an untruth, we will speak that untruth—and our world will be framed by the words of our mouth!

Right thinking produces right believing, and right believing produces right confessing. On the other hand, wrong thinking produces wrong believing, and wrong believing produces wrong confessing. Your confession determines your results in life. You will eventually have what you say. So watch your mouth!

Where do you find the truth that you should think, believe, and speak? In the holy Word of God. God’s Word is truth. And as the truth becomes a part of you, you will begin to speak it with your mouth. As you speak God’s Word, the Word will change your life.

It’s up to you to say the right things. How do you do it? Just say what God says! Think on His Word, believe His Word, and speak His Word. Then you will be a success, charging the very atmosphere around you with life and victory!


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