Thanksgiving is a time for counting our blessings and giving thanks to God for what He’s done for us. The atmosphere around us is pretty negative right now. We live in a critical society that blame-shifts, makes excuses, and complains. There’s always an abundance of negatives! But Thanksgiving is a positive event in a negative world.
The Thanksgiving holiday is about more than turkeys and food or remembering the Pilgrims. It’s a time to say, “Lord, thank You for what You’ve done. I realize my blessings come from You because of the grace and mercy that You’ve extended toward me. Thank You, Lord, for being my Helper.”
In the midst of abundance and blessing, let’s never forget that none of us would be where we are today if it weren’t for God’s help. He’s given us His Son, His Word, and His Spirit. He has given us angels, the Name of Jesus, power and authority, favor, and grace. Our Heavenly Father has given us His love and a place in His family.
Many times the Lord helps us when we’re not aware of it. I’m sure we have all faced situations that justified tears and sorrow. But God—the Turn-Around Master—turned them around! Believe it or not, many people walk away from those situations without ever thanking Him.
Thanking God for being our Helper makes a way for Him to turn difficult circumstances around for our good. Instead of wringing our hands in despair, we can lift them and say, “Thank you, Lord. You’re my Helper. You’re going to turn this situation around. You’ve done it before, and You’ll do it again.” The Word says our prayers of thanksgiving ascend to God like incense (Ps. 141:2).
This Thanksgiving, take time to thank God for what He has done. Let’s concentrate on thanking the Lord for what we have. Let’s make a habit of giving heartfelt praise and thanks to Him every day of the year—for He is our Helper.
From the Kenneth Hagin Ministries family to yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Kenneth W. Hagin
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