If you’re like me, you might be asking yourself, “How did 2021 go by so fast?” Whether we like it or not, December is over and January is here! Every year, the month of January generates its own thoughts and emotions. Some people eagerly look forward to what the new year holds. Many determine to make a fresh start by visiting the gym, setting goals, or making resolutions. Others may simply sigh in relief that last year is over.
As we look back at 2021 and look forward to the future, I am reminded that whatever happens, God is still God! The sum of our success isn’t determined by our failures and achievements. It is determined by our constant and close relationship with Him. Joseph remained faithful even when life wasn’t fair. Paul sang praises when he found himself in prison. And David celebrated God’s provision when he said, “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance” (Ps. 65:11 NKJV).
Whether we experience God’s goodness and abundance this year will be determined by how we choose to enter it. One way to start 2022 out right is to be in church. So many people let the cares of this world and the distractions of life keep them from making church a vital part of their lifestyle.
When I was growing up, life revolved around the church. Sadly, church for many today seems to have become just another event that we have to make room for in our schedules. If you want to enjoy God’s abundance, decide to start the year in church!
Let’s begin this new year by remaining faithful to God. Let’s sing His praises in spite of our circumstances. And let’s thank the Lord for His abundant provision.
We’ve put together a great magazine for you this month. I believe it will help you start the new year strong. May this be your best year ever as you remain faithful to Him!

Kenneth W. Hagin
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