Rhema USA Graduates 45th Class

Rhema TeamAugust 2019 WOFLeave a Comment

Brass horns began their musical proclamation, “Crown Him With Many Crowns,” as the distinguished array of Rhema Bible Training College instructors entered the Mabee Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Friday, May 17, 2019. The academic procession continued with flags representing the USA, RBTC, and the 15 countries of the 25 international students. By the time the graduates set foot on the red carpet, the arena was in an atmosphere of anticipation and honor.

Dean Tad Gregurich welcomed the cheering crowd and noted, “This marks the 45th graduation of Rhema.” Cheers heightened, then softened as a prayer was offered over the 277 graduates and the divine purpose causing each of them to walk boldly into the future. “Get ready world, here come the faithful,” Dean Tad concluded. The arena erupted. Praise and worship followed with dancing gowns and bobbing caps keeping time in victorious celebration.

Special recognition for nations, families, military veterans, and Word Partners had people on their feet in gratitude. The last acknowledgment went to Rhema alumni. They are who these students hope to become. And what a legacy they have left over the past 45 years! Throughout the recognitions, the crowd stood to their feet with an ovation of applause and salutes.

The School of Worship brought a soul-searching song asking, “Who will go?” and answering with, “Here am I. Send me.” One student rose with hands raised, and a sea of red- and black-robed students followed in heartfelt consecration. “Use me for Your glory,” they sang with abandon.

When Kenneth W. Hagin introduced the speaker, Rev. Matt Beemer, a 1992 RBTC graduate, the sense of every heart yearning to be sent was nearly tangible.

My Time. My Generation. My Harvest.

Not everybody who started the journey with you is here tonight. But you are here! That says something about you. Not only are you interested in what God has for you, but you know how to go to a place of finishing as well.

I believe the Rhema family has moved into a place of going like they’ve never gone before. You are part of a Rhema family that is influencing and changing the world! It’s your time! It is also your generation, and it’s your harvest!

Jesus wanted to see a finished work. He said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34 NKJV). He is looking for the great completion to the Great Commission. You get to be a part of that. An apostolic “go” is on this class! And it’s on you.

Jesus immediately began speaking about the harvest after talking about finishing God’s will (v. 35). It’s ripe. It’s ready. It’s here now. Finishing is connected to harvest. Every generation has had the opportunity and ability to reach the lost of that generation.

Do you think we can do it? [A resounding yes erupted from the crowd.] Three billion people are waiting for men and women like you to tell them about the love and light of Jesus. It’s part of our destiny to help prepare for the return of Jesus. He can’t come back until the Gospel is preached in every place. (See Matthew 24:14.)

Hearts burning, the graduates were launched into the next steps of their destiny. Following the examples of dignity and determination found in Rev. Kenneth W. and Lynette Hagin, they were presented with runner’s relay batons bearing the following inscription:

I commit today to carry the baton of revival to this generation.

I will carry the banner of faith and God’s power to a lost and dying world.

This is my time to do all God has called me to do!

The graduates recessed by the light of candles through torches and the array of flags. With the
cadence of their feet, the message of the night echoed, “It’s my time! It’s my generation! It’s my harvest!”

A Clear Distinction

Many theologians believe the soul and spirit are the same. However, the Bible makes a clear distinction between the two.

Paul said in First Thessalonians 5:23 (NLT), "May your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."

We see that the soul and spirit can be separated by God's Word: "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow" (Heb. 4:12 NLT).

The Word of God can "cut between," or separate, the soul and spirit of man because they are different. There would be no need to divide them if they were the same. You cannot separate something from itself. A container of water divided into two parts still equals water.

When dirt and water are mixed together in a container, the muddy water is made up of two different elements: dirt and water. If the water sits for awhile, the mud will settle to the bottom of the container. They're different, so they can be separated.

Similarly, although the soul and spirit come together within the nature of each person, they can be separated from each other. They are two distinct entities.


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