Leading At Home

Rhema TeamOctober/November 2024 WOFLeave a Comment

Family reading bible together

GOD’S MANDATE FOR mankind has never changed. We were created to subdue and have dominion on the earth. We see this in both the Old and New Testaments.


28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion.

LUKE 10:19

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

The words subdue and dominion are terms of strong leadership. We are called to rule and be conquerors. We don’t have less dominion, power, or authority than what Christ provided. The problem is, we gave it all away to the enemy by not transforming our minds with the Word of God. We relinquished our leadership capacity to the devil when we stopped obeying God and doing what He instructed us to do.

We men were never supposed to relinquish leadership in our homes, our careers, our lives, or anywhere else. We were to make them subject to us. We were supposed to bring things into bondage, not be the ones in bondage.

If our life is in bondage, then we will lead our homes from that bondage, and our homes will suffer. We’ll live in a lower state than God intended. God’s original intent was for man to live in freedom and lead with authority and dominion. Many of our struggles result from either not knowing what God said or giving up dominion in key areas or territories.

A Four-Letter Word

God didn’t tell Adam just to subdue and have dominion. If subduing and dominion were the only elements of leadership, it would mean we’d get to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. But there is a functional element of leadership found in Genesis chapter 2.


15 The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.

Men are called to work and serve and keep and protect. God placed Adam in the garden to watch over it—to guard and protect it. When you’ve been given a family, your job is to watch over it—to be a watchman who’s paying attention. Are you paying attention when the devil attacks your home or comes at your kids? Is there a disconnect between mom, dad, and the kids? If so, that disconnect is there because you’ve stopped paying attention to what your kids are interested in.

If someone parks their boat in your yard, you’re going to have a conversation with them. But why is it that when the enemy comes against your kids, you let him park? If we’re not careful, we’ll give up territory and let the devil advance into areas where he ought to have no permission to go.

I’ve heard Kenneth W. Hagin often say ministry is spelled W-O-R-K. It is supposed to be the same with our homes, marriages, and relationship with our kids. This will take more than a trip to the prayer closet. We must be actively involved and work and tend what God has given us.

Power With a Purpose

Jesus gave us power. But He gave it to us for a purpose—to tread on the enemy wherever he comes against us. Whether it’s in our marriage, our health, our finances, or our kids, we are responsible to tread on the enemy where he tries to steal from us.

What areas of your life and home have you given the enemy access to? You can’t defeat a 24/7 devil by being a part-time believer. You have to stand up and declare, “This is my house. You will not come in here, devil. I know who you are—but I know who I am!” I encourage you to take back the authority you’ve given the devil, find your place of dominion, and lead with confidence and purpose.

[Editor’s Note: Bob Keich is the lead pastor of Lighthouse Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. This article was adapted from his message at A Call to Arms 2023.]


Bob Keich

Bob Keich


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