‘Through Faith in His Name’
And his [Jesus’] name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. — ACTS 3:16
Smith Wigglesworth learned of a man in Wales known as Lazarus. He had worked by day in the tin mines and preached at night until he wore himself out physically. He contracted TB, and became bedfast for seven years.
Once as Wigglesworth was in Wales preaching, the Lord said to him, “I want you to go raise up Lazarus.” Wigglesworth found other believers and went to Lazarus’ house. They surrounded his bed and repeated the Name of Jesus until the power of God fell. Wigglesworth then said to the man, “There’s your healing.”
Lazarus began to speak faintly, so Wigglesworth drew closer to hear his words. The man said, “I’ve been bitter.” You see, he once had believed in divine healing. Someone had anointed him with oil, but it didn’t work. He was mad at God because he thought God hadn’t healed him.
Wigglesworth told him to repent and God would forgive him. Lazarus began to cry, “God, forgive me for my bitterness. Healing is real and it’s mine. I receive it.”
Lazarus got himself out of bed, dressed, and walked down the steps into the living room. That night, he gave his testimony in an open-air meeting. What impressed me was that they just gathered around the man’s bed and repeated the Name of Jesus. I think it has never dawned on us the power that is in that Name.
Some people say, “Healing and miracles have been done away with. They are not for us today.” Well, in light of Acts 3:16, that’s tantamount to saying, “The Name of Jesus has been done away with and doesn’t belong to the Church today. Faith in that Name is non-existent”! But, thank God, the Name of Jesus does belong to us today!
Confession: I am made strong and whole through faith in Jesus’ Name. Just as faith in Jesus’ Name raised Lazarus up, faith in Jesus’ Name will raise me up!
Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 Rhema Bible Church aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.
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