You Receive ‘According to Your Faith’
Then touched he [Jesus] their eyes, saying, ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH be it unto you. — MATTHEW 9:29
At a meeting in California, a seventy-two-year-old woman who wore a hearing aid approached me. She couldn’t hear without her hearing aid. In fact, she said, “I can’t even get half the message with my hearing aid on and sitting right under the speaker. I need to hear the Word.”
I laid hands on her ears. Instantly, she could hear a watch tick out of either ear! That was quite obvious. She was there two more weeks in every service. She didn’t need her hearing aid. She was talking to everyone in normal tones.
Now she had fallen and broken her hip some time before, so she used a walking stick to walk. As she walked away, I said, “Wait a minute!”
She turned and looked. I said, “Don’t you want something else?”
She said, “No, I got what I came after.”
I said, “What about that hip?”
She said, “Oh, I can live with that, but I really needed to hear.”
I went back the next year and held a meeting in the same church. I saw the same woman a year later. She was hearing fine and talking to everyone in normal tones without a hearing aid, but she still had her cane.
Jesus said more than once, “According to your faith, so be it done unto you.” Well, faith for healing for her ears was as far as this woman’s faith went. And that’s as far as she received.
Confession: I receive according to my faith. Jesus said that according to my faith, it is done unto me.
Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 2002, 2007 Rhema Bible Church aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.
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