Kenneth Hagin Ministries has a mandate from God to “Go teach My people faith.” Ever since God said go, the Hagin family has been going!
This spring, Kenneth and Lynette Hagin visited RHEMA Bible Training Centers in Germany, Austria, and Italy, and traveled to Zambia and Nigeria where new schools will open—one later this year and the other in early 2011.
The first stop for the RHEMA USA team was Bonn, Germany, where they held a graduation and healing service. About 50 people came to the altar for salvation, rededication, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and several hundred came for healing prayer. At the next stop—Wels, Austria—the Hagins participated in graduation and met with alumni. The following day they flew to Verona, Italy, for another graduation and a pastors luncheon.
From Italy, the RHEMA Team flew to Zambia where the Hagins helped dedicate the new 2,200-seat facility at Miracle Life Family Church, pastored by Walker and Haley Schurz. RHEMA Zambia will open at the church in January 2011. Later Kenneth and Lynette ministered to about 1,200 pastors and church leaders at a Leadership Conference at the church.
The last stop on this trip was in Nigeria where the Hagins met with leaders and pastors from that nation. RHEMA Nigeria is set to open in October 2010 and the Hagins will hold a Living Faith Crusade there in August 2011. While in Nigeria, Kenneth W. Hagin spoke to a crowd of 3,000 at a Full Gospel businessmen’s meeting.
As RHEMA continues to grow and more graduates are sent out from schools around the world, the Hagins’ resolve to reach people with the Gospel is increasing. “There’s a world out there that is ready for harvest,” said Kenneth W. Hagin. “There’s a work that must be done. And I want to say thank you to all of our partners and friends who are helping us accomplish the vision that God gave us for RHEMA Bible Training Center and RHEMA churches all over the world.”
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