The Word
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. — ROMANS 10:17
“I just don’t have any faith,” some Christians say. “I’ve prayed and fasted for faith, but I just don’t have any.”
Asking for faith will never produce faith. Why not? Because faith doesn’t come by asking; faith comes by hearing. By hearing what? The Word of God!
Having to encourage Christians to have faith means that the Word of God has lost its reality in their lives. None of the New Testament Epistles encourage believers to have faith. Why not? Because the Epistles were written to the Church. And its individual members are actually born into the family of God. Believers have received the Holy Spirit as their Teacher, Guide, and Comforter. And the measure of their faith will be the measure of their knowledge of the Father — and their knowledge of their privileges.
Simply study the Bible and get acquainted with your Heavenly Father. Walk in the closest possible fellowship with Him. Become familiar with your privileges as His child.
As you become one with the Word, and the Word becomes one with you, you will become mighty in faith.
Confession: As I study the Word of God, I am becoming one with it. I am feeding upon it; I am hearing it; and faith is coming to me.
Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.
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