Faith Food – June 27

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Miracle Life

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walkas children of light. — EPHESIANS 5:8

The greatest miracle I’ve seen of eternal life affecting mentality was in a girl I’ll call Mary. Mary had spent seven years in the first grade without even learning to write her name. The authorities asked her parents to take her out of school when she was fourteen years old.

As an eighteen-year-old, she behaved like a two-year-old. If she happened not to be sitting with her mother in the service, she would crawl or slide under the pews, or else she would lift up her skirt and step over them, to get where her mother was.

Then one night, during an evangelistic revival meeting, Mary came to the altar. There she received eternal life — the nature of God. A drastic change occurred instantly. The very next night she sat in the service and behaved like any eighteen-year-old young lady. She had fixed her hair and dressed up. Her mentality seemed to have increased overnight.

Soon afterwards, she went away to visit relatives, and there she met and married a neighboring farm boy. Many years later, I learned that after the accidental death of her husband, she had become a prosperous businesswoman who was her own financier and contractor on a housing addition she was building in her city!

Confession: I walk as a child of light in the Lord. I walk in the light of life.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright © 1988 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.

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