Fear Not

Rhema TeamJanuary 2025 WOF, WOF Current IssueLeave a Comment

woman on the top of the mountain

ALMOST ALL OF US have experienced some measure of intimidating fear in our life—and it’s not a good feeling. It is tormenting and uncomfortable. And if we don’t purpose in our hearts to conquer it, we will never accomplish much for God. 

Satan loves it when we’re intimidated. When we view ourselves as unqualified and insignificant, lacking confidence and feeling insecure, we play right into his hands.

Why do we let the enemy influence us? John 8:44 says he isn’t capable of speaking the truth. When he says, “You can’t do that!” “Who do you think you are?”—he’s lying!

I remind myself often that Christ dwells in me. I am a new creature in Him who can do all things! You see, THE ONLY POWER THAT CAN MEET AND CONQUER INTIMIDATING FEAR IS FAITH! We must renew our minds with the Word. We must see ourselves the way God sees us. Whatever is intimidating us to the point of immobility; we must face it and decide to do it anyway.

Just Do It!

After I went to Bible school, I received invitations to minister. Speaking in front of people was a strong area of intimidation for me as a schoolgirl. Well, I started to preach, and I shook, quivered, and trembled, but I remained determined to overcome the intimidation of people.

I began to confess Second Timothy 1:7–8 from the Amplified Bible: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. Do not blush or be ashamed then, to testify to and for our Lord. . . .” I love these scriptures! I realized the cringing timidity I was experiencing while speaking in front of people didn’t come from God, so I shouldn’t be blushing with fear! I needed to get up and be bold about what God had called me to do.

Choose to Please God

According to Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high” (Amplified). WHEN WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE INTIMIDATED BY OTHER PEOPLE, WE’LL GO ONLY SO FAR BEFORE WE’RE JERKED BACK BY THAT SNARE. If you study the word snare, it refers to putting a snare, chain, or leash on a dog. That dog can only venture so far before it is jerked back by the tether around its neck. The progress of mobility is completely hindered.

It’s the same with us. WE CAN’T WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE GOING TO THINK. We must strive to do our best to please and be a blessing to people, but we cannot allow ourselves to become people-pleasers rather than God-pleasers. That is a dangerous trap. We must always give God first place.

Fear of man, fear of what people think about you, and fear of not being accepted will hinder God’s plan for your life. The devil knows that and works hard to keep you in bondage to that fear.

You must see that intimidating fear for what it is—a manipulative lie of the enemy. Then confront it, and by faith allow the Holy Spirit to walk you through it. You will experience victory as you commit to spending time in the Word, searching out scriptures that edify and encourage you, and speaking boldly what God’s Word says about you. Start seeing yourself changed!

[Editor’s Note: Kate McVeigh is a Rhema graduate and traveling minister.]


Kate McVeigh

Kate McVeigh


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