In this era, people have made truth relative to the situation they are in. But truth is not relative—it’s absolute. I like to say that it is stationary. It doesn’t move. To get closer to the truth, I have to change my position.
How do we recognize truth? Jesus said that God will give us “another Helper . . . the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:16–17 NKJV).
The world can’t see the Spirit of Truth! That means I can’t watch CNN or Fox News and know what truth is. I won’t be able to find it in my newspaper or on my Facebook newsfeed. If I use exterior ways to determine truth, I’m looking in the wrong places because the Spirit of Truth dwells within me!
There is also a correlation between truth and God’s Word. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31–32 NKJV).
If I want to be led by truth, I have to get into the Word. Then I can know the truth and be free.
If I want to be led by truth, I have to get into the Word. Then I can know the truth and be free. That’s a different narrative than what the world has! People without God say the Bible is too restrictive—that they can’t live or move in its truths and have freedom. But when you know the truth, that knowledge frees you!
As Christians, we know the Spirit of Truth. We carry it! God’s power and knowledge are within us! We find core truths in God’s Word and have the opportunity to hear His voice within us. Jesus explained it to Pilate like this: “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37 NKJV).
So if I am not walking in truth, guess what I have a hard time hearing? God’s voice! But if I am operating within truth, I can hear His voice anytime, anywhere. Even at McDonald’s, the voice of the Lord can say, “Put that Big Mac away!” It’s up to me to listen and obey or override His instructions and eat the hamburger anyway.
“If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15 NKJV). Jesus said that right before He talked about the Spirit of Truth (vv. 16–17). Our love language to God is doing what He says. But we sometimes get it mixed up. We flip what Jesus said in verse 15 and think we have to keep God’s commandments before He will love us. No! God loves every person whether or not they serve Him. That is absolute truth and that small difference can set people free.
We are obligated to ask God, “What do You want me to do?” He has detailed instructions for us to follow. Read what God said to Noah in Genesis 6:14–16. Guess what you’ll find? Boring details! Why is that important? Noah was in a position to hear every detail! He built a boat in a place where there were no boats. There was no YouTube video for him to watch. Noah had to get his directions from God.
Are you in a position to be led like that? Can you hear the details? Are you ready to follow a plan where all your directions come from God? I challenge you to get ready! Go to the Creator and figure out what He wants you to do. Then walk out the details He gives you and make an impact on the world!
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Dan Taylor
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