IN SECOND CORINTHIANS 5:9 (NKJV), the Apostle Paul wrote that he and his fellow workers made it their goal to live, speak, and act in a manner that was well-pleasing to God. THEIR LIFESTYLE REVOLVED AROUND BRINGING GLORY TO HIS KINGDOM. Verse 10 of that same chapter tells us why: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (NKJV).
One day when we stand before Jesus, we will be either well-pleasing to Him or a disappointment. Our works will either be made of heavenly things and valuable, or they will be carnal and of no value.
The Apostle Paul and his fellow workers lived every day conscious of this reality. And EVERY DAY THEY MADE THE CHOICE TO BE PLEASING TO GOD. They didn’t want to disappoint their Lord and Savior by coming before Him with nothing of value to show for their lives.
- So how do we become “well pleasing to God?” Colossians 3:14 (NKJV) says, “Above all these things put on love, which is the BOND of perfection.” When we walk in love, we are bonded to perfection. Or, we could say, we are bonded to the whole Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What does it mean to be bonded? Let me give you an illustration.
When I was a pilot with the U.S. Air Force, I flew the SR-71, or the Blackbird as it was known. This plane could fly high (85,000 feet) and fast (2,100 mph). This height and speed caused the plane to get very hot in certain areas.
- In order to withstand this heat without falling apart, the SR-71 had to be built differently. Its assembly method was bonding in the true sense of the word. Along the edges of the parts that were to be bonded together, the titanium metal was heated to more than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. When those pieces were allowed to cool, they were no longer separate. The intense heat had allowed the molecules of one part to merge with the other part. They were now one! And the bond was actually stronger than the original pieces were.
When He arose from the grave victorious over all the works of the enemy, His victory became our victory—because we are one!Brian McCallum
If such good work can be done by mere man, how much more can the work of redemption forever bind God’s people to Himself? How much more can the work of redemption strengthen God’s people to do the work of Heaven?
After Jesus Christ bore for all mankind all of the heat that Satan could muster against Him, He bonded us to Himself. And when He arose from the grave victorious over all the works of the enemy, His victory became our victory—because we are one!
You see, Jesus destroyed all the works of the devil. That means that we who believe on Him have the power to put off all the enemy’s lies and attempts to deceive us. Remember, SATAN IS A LIAR. THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. So when he tries to turn up the heat on us with his lies and devices, we can just dismiss him using the Word and the Name of Jesus. All power and authority is in His wonderful Name!
When you are found doing good works here on earth through the authority of Jesus’ Name, you are being well-pleasing to Almighty God. At the same time, you are laying up gold, silver, and precious stones for that great day in Heaven. And JESUS WILL REWARD YOU FOR YOUR FAITH and obedience sown on the earth.
[Editor’s Note: Brian McCallum served as dean of Rhema Bible Training College USA for five years and as an instructor for nearly 30 years. This article was adapted from his book The Judgment Seat of Christ.]Author
Brian McCallum
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