Purpose & Passion
PEOPLE FROM AROUND the globe made their way to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, for Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming 2020. Alumni, students, ministers, and guests enjoyed opportunities to commune with God and each other.
Every session held powerful and encouraging ministry. Worship was energizing and intimate. Prayer swept hearts into the throne room. Teaching and preaching brought clarity and new vision. Every heart seemed to catch fire with renewed passion and purpose.
Children and youth also had a great week. The call for all generations to know God came forth loud and clear. God has a plan for everyone!
What the Spirit Is Saying to Rhema
“We are living in perilous times. It’s vital that we hear with our spiritual ears and discern what the Spirit is saying. Unfortunately, many churches are denying God’s power and have taken a doctrinal stance against the Holy Spirit. Not embracing the truth leaves people vulnerable to deception. Our lives must be based on the bedrock of the Word. We were told to go into the world and win the young and old to Christ. Jesus gave us authority to set the captives free, heal the brokenhearted, and bind up the bruised! That’s who we are. It’s up to us to keep the oil and power of the Holy Spirit burning bright. Then, when people who don’t have a foundation look for a place to go, we will be there to say: ‘Hey! Help is here! This is where you can get deliverance!’ ” // Kenneth W. Hagin
Ask for Passion
“We all have a race to run. How are you running yours? Have you been sitting on the sidelines or slowing down? If yes, ask God to give you passion for what He has called you to do! It is exciting to see the many ways God wants to move. It is time to stir ourselves up and prepare for this season. It’s a different race. That’s why we all have to be led by the Spirit every day. One thing I know about this race—we must have a passion for God!” // Lynette Hagin
Jesus Provided the Victory
“Jesus has already won the victory for you. He doesn’t have to come back and do anything more. He did it all on the cross. It doesn’t matter how many times the devil knocks you down, if you’re grounded in the Word, you can get back up. When circumstances are tough and it looks like there’s no way out, Jesus is the answer! And when you have the answer, you don’t have a problem! Jesus already has the solution for any adversity you will encounter! It might not look good right now, but you are victorious!” // Craig W. Hagin
Every Season Has a Purpose
“If we don’t find and fulfill our purpose in the season we are in, it will cause us problems down the road. It’s like lifting weights. At first, you can curl five pounds. When you keep doing that, you can go to 10, 20, and up. If we are going to fulfill the ultimate plan God has for our lives, we have to get stronger. Nobody gets strong by sitting on the couch and eating potato chips! We have to lift weights, and we grow spiritually like that too.” // Denise Hagin Burns
“One of our responsibilities is to pass our faith on to the next generation. We must become storytellers and pass on our experiences!” // Doug Jones
“Movements start with individuals like Gideon who get on fire for God, answer the call, and prepare themselves to see God move.” // Kirk DuBois
“Encouragement will build people into what their maximum potential could be. Be bold. Be courageous. Be a friend who doesn’t let your friends shrink back.” // Joe Duininck
“Wisdom is the fruit of a relationship with God. The degree of wisdom we walk in is only as current as our relationship with Him.” // Tony McKinnon
“God has something awesome He’s about to do for you! But sometimes people fail to see God move because they aren’t in a position to receive.” // Bill Ray
“Mankind’s identity is not found in what we have or have not done. That’s carnal thinking. Our identity must be found in our relationship with Almighty God.” // Tad Gregurich
“There are no bad personalities. God put that personality inside you for a reason. Go to the Creator to figure out what He wants you to do with it.” // Dan Taylor
“How often do we hold in our struggles because we don’t want anyone to know? Sometimes it takes humbling ourselves before man before we can humble ourselves before God.” // DK Hall
“I don’t think we ought to give up our right as God’s child to hear from Him directly. He designed us to hear His voice.” // Marvin Yoder
“This mandate was not meant for one man, one family, or one location. It was meant to go to the nations. We are not done yet! Our future is brighter than our past!” // John Grunewald
Rhema Kids
The theme for elementary ages was “Jesus Said What?!” They dug into the I AM statements of Jesus! Each night the youngsters discovered what Jesus meant when He said, “I am the Bread of Life,” “I am the Good Shepherd,” “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” And they learned what those statements mean for them!
The kids experienced powerful times of worship and ministry each night. Some children accepted Jesus as their Savior, lots of children were set free from fear, and others were healed in their bodies. The 1st–5th graders left knowing Jesus in a new way!
“I thought God would start talking to me when I was at least 11 years old. But He talked to me this week, and I’m only 9!”
—An Excited Youngster
Youth Winter Blitz
Winter Blitz was a great time of worship, ministry, and of course, fun! “He called my name, and I ran out of that grave!” was the topic for the week. Youth learned that no matter where they are or what they have done, God is calling their name. He is calling on them to live a life of purpose and freedom. Their part is to let go of the weights that hold them back. Once they let go of the hurts, struggles, and stress, they can run out of the grave and live a life of freedom in God!
Experience It
Watch archived messages at vimeo.com/channels/wbs2020
Click on Winter Bible Seminar 2020.
Kenneth E. Hagin
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