Winter Bible Seminar 2024 brought together the Rhema family from around the world for a week filled with unity, fellowship, and inspiration from the teaching of the Word.
Speakers taught on topics ranging from moving beyond the past and what it really means to be like Jesus, to faith for healing and learning to listen to God’s voice. The sessions were marked by moments of deep prayer, thankfulness to God, prophetic utterances, healings, and psalms and spiritual songs. The conference served as a reminder of the power of unity in spreading the message of faith.
Make plans to join us next year for Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2025, February 16–21.
“God is always faithful because He never changes. His Word never changes. God’s righteousness always prevails, and His power is unconquerable. It doesn’t matter what your situation looks like. God is faithful to deliver you if you will trust in Him. Nothing is too hard for Him. God is a turnaround specialist. He is faithful to respond to His Word, but it’s up to us to get that action started by believing He will do what He said. ‘Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God.’ (Rom. 4:20 NLT). Abraham considered God’s faithfulness, not his circumstances. That is where many people miss it. They focus on their problem. You can’t deny the situation’s existence. It exists, but God’s faithfulness says, ‘I will come through for you.’ ” // Kenneth W. Hagin
“The Apostle Peter warned us when he said, ‘The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers’ (1 Peter 4:7 NLT). What helps us is the very thing the enemy tries to keep us from doing. God has ordained prayer to be the means through which he operates on earth. The more we pray, the more he is able to do for us. The Lord wants us to come together and pray. There is power in agreement, and those prayers bring a response from the Father. The prayer of agreement speeds up answers to our prayers. We go from addition into the realm of multiplication when we agree in prayer. If we all came together as the Body of Christ agreeing, there is nothing we couldn’t accomplish for God.” // Lynette Hagin
“Sometimes the battles you face may look hard and you think, ‘I don’t see how I’m going to do this.’ Well, you’re not going to do anything. You have to get yourself out of the way. God will fight for you. I love David’s reply to Goliath in First Samuel 17:45–47 (NLT), ‘You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies . . . Today the Lord will conquer you . . . This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!’ When facing your goliath, your mentality has to be that it’s the Lord’s battle. Like David, you have to say, ‘It’s not my battle. And I know the Lord will cause me to conquer you because I know my God. I know He is well able.’ ” // Craig W. Hagin
“When you graduated from RBTC, you made a commitment to take Jesus to the world. The mandate is what binds us together. As a family, each member has a responsibility so the Rhema family can operate the way God designed it. What are our family commitments? One: serve together. We each have a unique supply and responsibility, and we must all do our part. Two: love unconditionally. Neither our prayers nor our faith will work without love. That love needs to extend to those who have fallen—to restore them and get them back in the race. Three: stand in unity. We may not always see eye to eye, but we’re always part of the Rhema family. Four: pray together. No great move of God ever happened by people doing nothing. Fervent prayer must be made for the end time revival.” // Denise Hagin Burns
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