Winter Bible Seminar 2013 continued in full swing Wednesday and Thursday. Lynette Hagin shared from her heart Wednesday morning, encouraging the congregation to be themselves. “The Lord uses different people in different ways for different ministries,” she said. “It is important not to clone yourself after others.” She reminded the crowd that when they have been standing in faith for something, the answer may come in a form they had not expected. She took an example from the snowy weather that day in Broken Arrow.
The area has been in a drought, and many have been praying for rain. “Snow is just another form of rain,” she said. “Realize that the rain is going to come in different forms. But don’t reject the rain when it comes in a way that you weren’t expecting. Just receive it.” She also cautioned her hearers to remain sober and vigilant—to be on guard against the devil’s attacks (1 Peter 5:8–11). When we receive something we’ve been standing for in faith, he will try to steal it from us.
Thursday morning Mrs. Hagin reminded the congregation that our success in every area comes by faith. “If we are going to follow God’s plan for our lives, it has to be by faith,” she said. “What God has planned for us is far greater than what we have ever thought or imagined. God wants us to walk by faith, and He doesn’t give His plans too far in advance.” We should not think about the next step until we get there. Often things seem fuzzy to us because we’re looking too far down the road. But as we trust the Lord with all our heart and walk out His plan, He will cause each step to come to pass.
Kenneth W. Hagin ministered Wednesday and Thursday evenings. “God has a great plan for us,” he told Wednesday night’s Winter Bible Seminar crowd. “And He is looking at what we do with the plan He gives us” (Matt. 25:14–30). “We all need to get busy doing what God has called us to do. We need to get involved.”
Speaking by the Holy Spirit, he told the crowd that Kenneth E. Hagin gave us a message to carry to bring back the King. “Rise up,” God said through him. “If you move, I’ll provide the power.”
As the Holy Spirit continued to move, Rev. Hagin ministered to several people in the crowd before praying over cloths to be taken to the sick (Acts 19:11–12). Then Kenneth and Lynette Hagin laid hands on ministers being ordained, dedicating them to the ministry God had called them to.
Thursday night Kenneth W. Hagin gave a “State of Rhema Address.” Sharing from his heart, he told the story of Rhema’s beginnings. He explained how he and Lynette left a good ministry position behind to come and work for Kenneth Hagin Ministries—and they didn’t know why they were doing it. All that became clear when his dad, Kenneth E. Hagin, said, “We’re going to start a Bible school.” He told his son, “I’m the one who said it, but you’re the one who’s going to do it.”
So Kenneth W. Hagin ran with the vision, and today there are 159 RBTC campuses and over 60,000 men and women around the world who have studied at those schools. “The sun never sets on a Rhema campus where someone is studying to take the Gospel around the world,” he told the crowd.
“My dad had the message of faith,” he continued. “But my mandate is Rhema. That’s our mandate. You are part the Rhema family. And it’s our responsibility to carry this mandate out.”
The rich teaching from Rhema Bible Training College instructors continued during the 8:30 and 9:30 sessions. Wednesday morning, Jeanne Orrison answered the question, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” (Ps. 8:4). She noted that God has always wanted to have fellowship with mankind. In the Old Testament, He wanted to dwell not just among the children of Israel but in them. Now God lives in us and goes wherever we go. We are God’s temple, and His temple should have no sickness or disease in it.
Then Craig W. Hagin reminded the crowd that anytime we find ourselves in a big mess, we need to remember that our God is bigger. During adverse times we must focus on God, not on our situation. We’re to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding (Prov. 3:5). When we do this, we can be sure that whatever the situation, God will deliver us.
Thursday morning, Bob Keich shared six truths about how God wants to be with us. God created us for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11), and it was His idea to reconcile us to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. “God’s ultimate pursuit has always been you,” Rev. Keich said. Reconciliation moved us from being hostile toward God to being in fellowship with Him, as if nothing had ever come between us.
Then Bill Ray gave the Winter Bible Seminar crowd seven success principles from the life of Joshua. Doing what God has called us to do will take courage, he said. But our biggest obstacle today could be our greatest opportunity tomorrow. “Don’t let your problem talk you out of your blessing,” he encouraged. “See the good report! If you’ll act in obedience—with the correct attitude of obedience—you’ll eat the good of the land.”
Winter Bible Seminar 2013 continues through this evening on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, with the final session starting at 7:00 p.m. If you can’t be here, join us live at Keep expecting!
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