What a Week!

Rhema TeamOctober/November 2021 WOFLeave a Comment

The Rhema family has descended on Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, to attend Campmeeting since 1973. Those who attended in person and those who watched online were empowered in their faith. From Summer Blitz to Rhema Kids to the adult services, the Spirit of God left an imprint on each person’s life. People left excited to do their part in sharing Christ and bringing in the end-time harvest.

Mark your calendars for Campmeeting 2022. Join us July 24—29 as we celebrate our 50th Campmeeting!

Overcoming the Enemy’s Attacks

Kenneth W. Hagin

Satan is in an uproar because he knows we are reaching the end. He is throwing everything he can at God’s people to discourage us, get us off track, and get us away from the Word. Here are four strategies to overcome his attacks:

  1. Know that Jesus defeated Satan on the cross. Our victory has already been won. So act like it, talk like it, and live like it.
  2. Remember the testimonies of God’s people. Read stories in the Old and New Testaments of how God delivered His people. And listen to the testimonies of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
  3. Know what God said in His Word. We have been given authority to stop the enemy by speaking God’s Word.
  4. Trust God alone. Reasonings and opinions don’t matter—only what is written in scripture. God said it. I believe it. And that settles it.

God’s Spirit Dwells in You

Craig W. Hagin

God anointed us with the same Holy Spirit and the same power that He anointed Jesus of Nazareth with over 2,000 years ago. Romans 8:11 says, “The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you.” Why would you not get excited when the living Spirit of God—the dead raising Spirit—lives in you?

Why do you deal with depression when God’s Spirit lives in you? The reason you “deal” with it is you’re listening to the devil! He’s trying to steal from you! He’s trying to kill you! And he’s trying to destroy you! But if you will get in touch with the Holy Spirit that dwells in you, things will begin to change. It’s not about what you have or who you are. It’s about Who is in you.

The Difference Between Hope and Faith

Denise Hagin Burns

To get through trials and have our prayers answered, we need to be in faith and not just hope. Hope is to think or wish something could happen. Faith means you are fully convinced.

In Mark chapter 10, blind Bartimaeus started out in the hope that Jesus could heal him. He then put a voice to his faith and called out to Jesus. Finally, Bartimaeus became determined and threw off his coat. His hope turned to faith.

God is waiting for you to use your faith and take action. Put a voice to your faith and be determined. Some of you have been hoping that God will heal you, give you peace by taking away your anxiety, or bless you financially. Make the switch from hope to faith and only believe that God will answer you.

Watch Campmeeting Online!

Watch the Campmeeting 2021 services at vimeo.com/rhema or youtube.com/rhemausa. To purchase copies of individual services or an entire Campmeeting 2021 set, visit rhema.org/store.

“I was online watching the livestream with Rev. Craig and received healing during the ministry time at the end of the service. During the last four months after having a dental procedure, I experienced muscle spasms. I have not experienced any spasms since last night!” // Alberto


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