WHAT DO YOU do when you're facing trouble? I don't know how I would make it if I didn't have God! Every time it seems like the devil is hitting me left and right, something comes up on the inside—the Word.
My grandfather, Kenneth E. Hagin, always said that the number one reason why people do not get their needs met is they don't read the Bible. God's Word can't make a difference in your life if you're not reading it! If you know the Word, you can act on it and know what to do when you face obstacles.
James 1:2 (NLT) says, "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." You will have trouble. That's just life. You will face difficult situations, but each one is an opportunity for great joy!
Choosing Joy
Joy is an emotion. People express joy at sporting events. Throughout the game, they jump up and down, thrilled when their team scores! Are we that joyful about God?
You can choose to have joy even when you don't feel joyful. In adverse circumstances, joy is a choice. How do you choose an emotion? You look at things from a different perspective.
When you look at your situation from a problem or trial standpoint, you won't have joy. All you see is the bad stuff happening around you.
The Bible tells us to look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). When you look to Christ and remember who you are in Him, you'll know that it's not about you. It's about Him. Nowhere in the Word does it tell you to figure out how to get through a trial. It's not your responsibility to lead and guide yourself through adversity. All you need to do is trust God and believe in Him.
When Moses came to the Red Sea, it looked like there was no way out—water in front and the enemy coming from behind. If he had given up, he and the Israelites would have died. But they continued. The sea split open, and they walked right through! Then it closed back on Pharaoh's army.
It comes down to how you see things. What about your situation? If you keep looking to God, you will see a miracle.
A lot of people want to be healed, but they don't want to hear anythingKenneth E. Hagin
Losing Joy
Philippians 4:4 (NLT) says, "Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!" Notice the word always. It means all the time, in everything always be full of joy—not ordinary human emotion, but the joy of the Lord.
It's common in Christian circles to hear someone say, "I've lost my joy." But if you're losing your joy, then you're not always full of joy. Losing joy is not biblical!
In Acts 20:24 Paul says, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy." You can't finish your course with joy if you lose it along the way!
The reason we lose our joy is that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). The enemy wants you to be preoccupied with the test or trial. But God wants you to be full of joy—it's your strength!
When you know who you are in Christ Jesus, you will see things from God's perspective. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Whenever you're facing a test, you're not by yourself. You have the God of the impossible in you! Everything that seems impossible to you is possible with Him, so what are you concerned about?
When we are traveling on crusades, sometimes we have to set up a sound system. I say into the microphone, "Testing—one, two, three." What am I doing? I'm testing the equipment before the event. Testing is preparation. It isn't the main part.
Many people run into a test, and they quit! But it's only a test. Don't quit during the test! If you do, you're never going to see the things God has for you. And remember, without a test, you can't have a testimony.
In the sports world, there's kind of a test. It's called practice. Some teams probably can win a few games without practicing, but they'll never be champions. They'll never make it to the big game. When you practice, you're ready.
When it comes to the spiritual world, practicing is reading the Word and getting it on the inside. Whatever you put inside comes out when you are squeezed! If words like "I'm a failure" come out of your mouth, the Word is not coming out! Don't let the test stop you from getting where God wants you to be.
Don't Freak Out
Have you ever been watching television and been interrupted by the Emergency Alert System? In the United States, it breaks into TV programming with a series of loud beeping noises followed by the announcement: "This is a test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency. . . ." Am I afraid? No. I'm never alarmed; I know it's a test.
If you would realize that troubles in life are only tests, you won't freak out. It's about perspective. Remind yourself that it's only a test. Open your mouth, and begin speaking the Word of God that pertains to your situation.
When you know the Word and who you are in Christ Jesus, there will never be an emergency. You'll only have tests, and tests are temporary. Don't get upset, and don't lose your perspective. Know that you are victorious and that you serve a God that loves you! He cares about the details of your life and will make extraordinary things happen when you trust Him. Keep standing on the Word and keep your joy, even in the middle of terrible circumstances!
Everyone reached by this ministry is family to us—that means you! When somebody in the Rhema family is hurting, we want to be there to help them. If you are facing difficulty, we want to pray with you. Call the Prayer and Healing Center at (918) 258-1588, ext. 2980 or email [email protected].
Craig W. Hagin
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