Men’s Conference: Building Champions

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Kenneth W. Hagin's opened A Call to Arms Men's Conference with a strong exhortation for men to see themselves as God's masterpieces. "We must fight to be the men God designed us to be—not just spiritually, but naturally too. God created us to be a reflection of Him on the earth." The conference only continued to build from there.

For three days, men listened to messages on their identity in Christ, the power of praise and humility, and enduring to the end. The weak left strong, the sick left healed, and men were transformed from the inside out. They were equipped and empowered to be all that God called them to be.

Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2018, to be held November 1-3 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Here's a sample of what men heard this year.


Kenneth W. Hagin

"Refuse to accept all the trash talk that the enemy is putting out."


Craig Hagin

"If you fight as a champion, you fight with a different mentality." 


Steve Yoder

"By humbling yourself, you will keep yourself on top." 


David Crammer

"You need provision? Magnify the Provider and the provision will show up." 


Marcus Martinez

"You can't escape conflict, but you can develop character to handle conflict." 


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