Craig W. Hagin
No matter what we're going through, we have to remember that God's power is greater than anything we're experiencing. Whatever we may face—from financial problems to health challenges to adversity of any kind—God's power is more than enough to change our situation. It's what causes us to be victorious.
God is well able to work on our behalf. But all too often, instead of looking to Him when we face a crisis, we try to come up with our own solution. If we need extra money, we might think the best thing to do is get a second job or work overtime. Doing these things, however, may not be wise.
Our wisdom is limited, but God's wisdom is unlimited. I believe we should do everything we can. But sometimes everything we do just isn't enough.
Paul tells us in First Corinthians 2:5 that "[our] faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" (NKJV). The Holy Spirit can do more for us in two seconds than we can ever figure out. It's not about what we can do; it's about what God can do. It's His power and ability—not ours—that works out our problems.
Turning On the Switch of Faith
Faith is the key for God's power to operate in our lives. It's also important to know where to put our faith. In other words, our faith has to be in something. And we see in First Corinthians 2:5 that it should be in God's power, not in the wisdom of men.
One of the best places to see God's power demonstrated is in Genesis chapter 1. God changed things He didn't like with His words. He saw a null and void earth and decided to do something about it. He said, "Let there be light," and there was light (v. 3).
God spoke and things changed! He said with His mouth what He believed in His heart. And what He said came into manifestation. We have this same power when we speak.
Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Every time we open our mouths, we are speaking either death and
destruction or life and blessing into a situation.
The Word of God contains the power of God. That power is activated when we speak God's Word to our situations. When we hide God's Word in our hearts and speak forth that Word, we, like God, can change our situation.
God's power can be compared to electricity. Electricity flows through the wiring in our homes. We can have electricity in our house, but nothing happens until we turn on a switch. The power was there all the time, but nothing happened until it was activated.
Let's activate God's power by speaking His Word in faith to the things in our lives that we want changed. God's power is a powerful force. No sickness, disease, poverty, or demon in hell can stand up against it!
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